Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday, March 6th - spring is definitely in the air

You can certainly tell spring is on the way. The snowfall we had on Monday has pretty much melted and the large banks of snow around the perimeter of the yard are slowly going down. We've not really had any wind to speak of (a rarity out in these parts, for sure) but the water is definitely running in spots. This morning it's 0' and while it may not get much warmer we are in for sunny weather for at least the next 4 or 5 days so that will take care of a lot of the snow. We do, however, need some of that wind to return, to help dry things up a bit. My lane is getting quite squishy and our road down at the bottom end is a sea of mud. Brenda had mentioned on the weekend that it was pretty bad and I see what she means. Sheila and I came across it on Monday on the way home and what a mess. Now I know why Brenda has changed her route slightly with the bus.

Monday was our weaving day and it was wonderful. It was good that I'd previously had a little instruction to get me started because now I understood a little bit about what I'm supposed to be doing and now I had specific questions. There was just my neighbour Sheila and I with the instructor so it was a really great day for both of us. In spite of the fact that Sheila is a very experienced weaver, I think she also got lots out of the day. It's been a while since she wove and a refresher course was just what she was looking for. I now have a much better understanding of what I'm doing so it's inspired me to get back to it. I was doing some things wrong that was making the whole process much harder than it needed to be. We're going to meet up again in two weeks and I have some homework to do before then. I have a small  project on the loom right now that I will complete, I'm hoping by the end of the weekend, and then I have to wind a warp and thread it through the reed. Both ladies are coming here to help get it put on properly the rest of the way and then I should be good to go. On the way home we stopped at Sheila's and I saw some of the pieces she's been recently working on and they were absolutely gorgeous. I realize now that those type of things just might be possible one day. They are intricately woven but it's all  the same process, just a bit more concentration required but I'm confident that one day I will be able to do one of those types of things as well. Now I really can't wait for my craft space to be ready!

I had the biggest laugh on Sunday evening. I was talking to Patti and the kids and Tristan came on the phone. He had to take the phone into his room and close the door to talk to me - really serious secret stuff. He said "Grandma, I have to tell you why we can't come to your house for March Break". I asked why and he said "Because I'm going to camp". I assured him that was okay and there would be another time. Then he was asking about Papa's progress on the garage. He is patiently waiting for the barn that he thinks Papa will be building sometime really soon. Meghan has already put in her request for a rabbit that will be just hers and won't be made into rabbit stew. Tristen had informed us that he wanted a baby pig. Well, on Sunday night he told me that he no longer wants a baby pig. I asked him if he was afraid that Papa would eat it one day. He sort of chuckled and said no, then he said "Grandma, they're really ugly when they grow up !" so that's why he no longer wanted a pig. Instead he wants a bird,  a red jay, (don't know where that one came from) and that he would have to buy one that's tame so it would just stay in the barn and not fly away. I suggest maybe a peacock, as they are so beautiful but he said that wouldn't do because he wants a bird that flies, just not away.

What a character.

I'm just waiting for someone in Ontario to send me a photo of James. He had his first Cadets meeting last night in his uniform. He's very proud of his boots that he's spent a lot of time polishing in preparation for his first appearance in uniform. Can't wait to see him.

Last night I enjoyed a glass of wine with Brenda. Due to a miscommunication, she was all dressed up with no place to go, so to speak, so she came over and we had a bit of a visit and caught up on our week so far. A pleasant way to end an uneventful Tuesday.


  1. testing P from not OV

    1. We Hello! It must be a comment issue regarding mobile devices. This laptop seems to work. Glad you had a good weaving day!
      P from not OV
