Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11th - it's beginning to look and feel like spring

It's a cool -2' this morning but we should reach a high later of 6' with a mix of sun and cloud. More and more snow is melting and the wildlife has returned. I saw three raccoons  just down the road on Friday night and there was a dead skunk in the middle of the road on my way to work on Friday morning - definitely a sign of spring - but we could still get some snow. I've heard it's not uncommon to get a snow storm around St. Patrick's Day, which will be this coming Sunday. We'll see.

Friday was a nice sunny afternoon and the day ended with a concert at the Rec Centre. Two people I've gotten to know quite well were performing and they did a great job, in spite of having never played together before. Judging by the results, it won't be the last time. Unfortunately Brenda and Bernie missed it as they were in Moncton for a farm equipment show. It sounds like they had a good time though, as they ran into lots of people they knew, not just at the show but at the mall as well.

Saturday was overcast but not too cold. I worked and then did some groceries on the way home. The sun had come out by then and it wasn't a bad day. I made an early supper then sat down to watch some TV while I finished the scarf I was knitting for Brenda. She called around 7:00 to advise they were home from Moncton. I was surprised as I thought it would be later when they got back. We caught up a bit and then she went to peruse the papers and get up to date on what happened on the island while they were away.

Saturday night the clocks went ahead so it does tend to throw your schedule off a little. I got up fairly early and did some tidying, sweeping, laundry, etc. I assumed Brenda would be calling when she got home from church. She did call at 11:30 and we made plans to go to town. I met them at their place as we were going for breakfast. I had just finished cooking my breakfast when she called so I wasn't hungry but I joined them anyway. Will and Ethan met us at the restaurant and Bernie was quite disappointed to learn that the breakfast buffet that was set up right beside our table wasn't available any longer. Instead we had to order lunch. I just had tea and enjoyed everyone's company.

After leaving the restaurant we went down the street to a local hotel that was hosting a motorcycle clothing and accessories sale. It comes to town a couple of times a year. I picked up a pair of lighter gloves for wearing in the warmer weather and Brenda bought some gloves and a leather vest. She happened to go downstairs to find the washrooms and discovered a quilting workshop going on. So she gave me a call and I joined her downstairs. It was the yearly workshop put on by the local quilters guild. I took classes from one of the members a couple of years ago and I had just missed her. I spent a bit of time chatting with two ladies and I just might go out to the meeting on Wednesday night. It starts at 7:00 so I would just stay in town after work. I'll see how the rest of the week goes first.

I had been thinking of making a crib quilt for someone at work who's wife is expecting a baby in June and this gave me the inspiration to get started. I already had a block in mind but had never made it before. I found a tutorial online and when I got home I cut out some pieces left over form a previous project to try it out. It looks good laid out but we'll see what it looks like when I sew it together. I think with a white on white background and some pretty pastel prints it will make a nice gift. But I won't get ahead of myself just yet. We'll see how easy it goes together first.

Brenda came over for a glass of wine and she was surprised that I had cut it out already. I'd been planning to give it a try for quite a while and the visit to the quilting event just gave me that little push I needed to get started.

With any luck, Lloyd should get back this afternoon. If not it might be the midnight flight but at least he'll be home. We'll just have to wait and see.

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