Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, March 1st - already!

March is going to come in like a lamb here on PEI but not so for other parts of the Maritimes it seems. Currently it's -2' and we should reach a high of 0' later this afternoon. I fully expected to wake up to some freezing drizzle and/or a bit of snow but such is not the case. It's still dry out there although windy, for the first time in several days, certainly a novelty for these usually windy parts. We will likely see some snow over the weekend but nothing compared to what other areas are expecting.

So, the soap nut project continues. I did a load of towels on Wednesday evening and I must say I was very impressed with the results. They came out clean and fresh smelling - almost the way they smell when you bring them in off the clothes line. I will do some regular laundry over the weekend and see how that works out. I can see where they would be excellent for use by someone who has skin that's very sensitive to the perfumes and chemicals in regular detergents and fabric softeners. I will report back next week on the further results.

Last evening I met Brenda and her friend Janet in town for some supper followed by a movie. We enjoyed our meal but took our time about heading over to the theatreas it's usually pretty empty . Well, apparently this is a very popular movie because there were three seats left and we had to sit in the very front row. Who knew ? The movie in question was called "The Quartet" and it was absolutely delightful. Maggie Smith played the lead character and with her in it, how could it be anything but entertaining. We thoroughly enjoyed it and it was one of the few movies that when it ended, you wanted it to continue to find out the rest of the story. I highly recommend it. As for the facility portrayed in the film, I'd like to live in that retirement home when I get old and decrepit and can no longer look after myself. It was quite a beautiful place. 

The PEI homeshow is on this weekend and I suspect we will be heading off to that sometime in the next couple of days. I missed it last year, but I can't think why - Brenda must have been away!

James had a snow day on Wednesday so spent the day hanging out with Papa. There wasn't a lot that he could help with, but a few little jobs were found for him. I'm sure he didn't mind as long as he could be part of the process. He brought along his new Cadet boots so Papa showed him the proper procedure for putting the perfect shine on them - layers and layers of polish, with lots of rubbing in between. He's got the idea now so they should be in perfect shape by next Tuesday's meeting.

Lloyd's managing to keep busy up in Ontario but his diet isn't doing too well - dinner every night with a different group of friends from the sounds of it. Today he and Patti shuffling off to Buffalo for a day of shopping. Hope the weather cooperates for them.

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