Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And the snow continues

Conditions at 5:45 am --1' and from the sounds of  things, lots of wind
Expected  later -flurries, freezing drizzle, and not so windy

The travelers should be in Ottawa, although I thought I would have a text message this morning telling me that they got there. I received several messages throughout the day yesterday updating me on their progress. It seems that conditions improved significantly once they got away from the Maritimes. The last message was at 8:54 and they were in Quebec City, and expected to get to Ottawa around midnight. I'm assuming no news is good news, that's all I can do at this point.

The drive around the city yesterday wasn't so bad in the morning but it deteriorated in the afternoon. The drive home was a bit of a challenge. The wind was blowing quite hard and at times you just had to stop dead where you were until the snow cleared and you could once again see where the road was.  In some spots the drifts were at least a foot deep on the other side of the road. It took me roughly an hour to get home from work. I guess the up side of working until 5:30 is that most people are home by that time and there was very little traffic on the road. But then a lot of places were closed yesterday as well. Today may be a different story. I haven't been outside yet to see what conditions are like but I just know it won't be pretty.

When I got home last night Brenda called. She and Meghan had tickets for a concert at the Confed Centre and they wondered if I was interested in going. Not a chance. There was no way I was heading down that road again. I hadn't been home very long and the warm fire in the kitchen and the smell of supper cooking on the stove greeting me as I walked in the door, was just too good a deal to pass up. I have to take advantage of that while I have the opportunity!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is all over and the family has left (well, except for Lloyd).  The house still needs some damage control but I'll have all weekend to do that. It appears that Lloyd will be driving back with Meghan(1)  and I suspect they will leave on Saturday, but that will depend on the weather.  I heard rumours yesterday that there's another storm headed this way for the weekend but the weather network is forecasting above freezing temperatures and sun for Saturday and rain for Sunday so it's hard to say what might happen.

Last night when I got home the snow has all blown into my driveway so I wasn't able to get in. I was able to get the car in off the road but that was it. So this morning I will no doubt have to shovel the snow where the plow has probably gone by. I guess I'll cut this short and go and see what I have to do to get to work again this morning. With any luck, I should have help!

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