Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It takes all kinds..

Conditions at 5:30 am - 0* and even though the weather network says it's overcast in Charlottetown, I have a beautiful star filled sky this morning

Expected later - 1* and mix of sun and cloud

Yesterday we had some nice sunny weather. It was a little cooler but the wind was gone and sun was lovely. Quite a change from the day before.
Most days I love driving the shuttle. Some people are quiet and when you try to engage them in conversation, you get one word answers so I take that as my cue that they don't feel like talking and that's okay. Others are quite chatty and a pleasure to talk with. Once in a while (actually this is only the second time) you get someone you can't wait to get out of the car. This fellow is originally from Ottawa and is in the military - at least that's the assumption I made as he was dressed in camouflage clothing and I dropped him off at the armouries. He was very opinionated and started ranting about islanders and how if you're not from here, they treat you really badly. They won't give you a job, etc, etc, etc.
After about five minutes I really wanted to say to him "They don't like you because you're a jerk, not because you are from away". He had nothing but criticism for everyone and everything and stated that he was waiting for his contract to finish to he could "get to hell out of this place". I asked if he was from here or his wife was from here and he stated that the only reason they came here was because it was cheaper to live but then he said, it's more expensive here than anywhere. I was so disgusted with him I just wanted him to get out of the car.
I thought about him throughout the day (as I dreaded the time I had to go back and pick him up). On the way back he was ranting about his cell phone carrier and how they have lousy service and shouldn't be in business. It seems our service department had tried to call him and he didn't get the call but then by his own admission he said he was in the basement of the building with concrete block walls. I suspect that may have been more the source of the problem and not the lousy service provided by his carrier. Gosh, some people!
I said to him that I was sorry that his experience on the island hasn't been a positive one because my time here has been extremely enjoyable and that kind of shut him up. He struck me as the kind of person who won't be happy no matter where he lives. I can't imagine going through life with a chip that big on your shoulders.

Later in the morning a customer came up to me and thanked me for getting coffee in the dealership, so that more than balanced my day.
Last night I went to visit my friend Donna in Montague. We were going to go out but instead she made lasagna and Caesar Salad and garlic bread. Her mom was there and we had a lovely time - good food, good friends and lots of laughs. Donna has been my connection to the island for about 5 years now. Neither of us are involved in IAAP anymore so we will have to make an effort to keep in touch from time to time.
 "It was thirty years ago today..."
 And finally, today I am reminded that it's thirty years ago on this date that  John Lennon was murdered. It's one of those moments in life where everyone remembers where they were when they heard the news. I was driving a small bus, picking up kids for our day care in Timmins. It was a snowy day and the roads where a little slippery so I had to concentrate on my driving and it wasn't till I got back that the news could really sink in. Hard to believe it's been that long ago. There's an article in the current McLean's magazine that Brenda very kindly shared with me. There was also a lengthy radio program on the CBC early Sunday morning and fortunately she called me at 7:30 to let me know.


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