Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hold on to your hat - here we go again!

Conditions at 5:30 am - 12* and light rain and VERY windy
Expected later - 12* and lots of  rain and VERY windy

Once again we are being pummeled with really strong winds and rain. We had some rain yesterday but not very heavy but today we are expected to receive up to 35mm of the wet stuff.  And that wind! I nearly blows the car off the road sometimes. You really need to be diligent about keeping both hands on the wheel as you never know when a gust is going to hit you. It's really noticeable when crossing the Hillsborough bridge.
People must be concentrating on holiday stuff because we were quite slow in the morning yesterday. I only drove two people to work, and one lady out to Wheatley River (not sure that's what they had in mind when they started the shuttle service), but then the salesman involved (who shall remain nameless) suggested, "oh don't worry about it, it's only ten minutes up the road."  It's actually 15 but that's not the point.
I did make up for it later in the day as several people I hadn't dropped off in the morning called to be picked up, so it made the afternoon go by pretty quickly.
Tonight is our cookie exchange and I know the girls are really looking forward to it, as I am. It will be fun to have them over and get to know them better in a social setting. This morning I'm just finishing up a couple of little things for tonight. I'm putting meat balls in the slow cooker and assembling the ingredients for the punch so I can just pop the things in the oven that need to be warmed and put together the punch. They aren't coming over till 7:30 so I've got lots of time.

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