Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Don't believe everything that you read

Conditions at 5:00 am: -1' and overcast
Expected later - some snow and a high of plus 2

I was reading the news on Yahoo and it was telling about a great storm that hit the Maritimes yesterday. While it was quite messy for a while, it really didn't amount to much. We got a couple of inches of snow before turning to rain then clearing in the afternoon. I'm sure that other parts were harder hit than we were but for us out here, it was somewhat of a none event. In fact in the afternoon the sun was actually out and the kids were able to spend a fair bit of time out playing in the snow.
Sitting in the partially completed fort
Because of the rain, the snow was very wet so was excellent for building a fort around the apple tree. They only came inside because it got too dark to work.Our whole winter so far has been like that. All around us the weather is really bad but out where we are it's not been too severe.

Unfortunately, because of the weather in the morning, the flights were cancelled for a while out of Charlottetown, which backs everything right up and makes it difficult for those flying standby. It's difficult enough for regular passengers to get flights now. So last night the decision was made that the Dennisons are going to drive to Ottawa. They have to be there for Wednesday evening so they are going to pick up a rental car this morning at the airport and head out. It seems like the only possible way for them to get there. Tristen already volunteered to stay behind. He said "Well, Meghan got to do that last year". But that won't be necessary this time.

The fresh cheese ready to be pressed
I think the kids had a good time, in spite of the crumby weather. On Friday, Lloyd and Meghan tried their hand at making a fresh cheese and it actually turned out quite good. We even served it to our guests on Sunday night.

James and I took a little side trip while they were doing cheese and went out to Lakeside Beach to see what damage had been done and to see for ourselves how big
The dunes at Lakeside
the waves were. It was really quite devastating to see. The dunes have been partly washed away and the new stairs that were just built late this summer, are all in pieces. I can only imagine what other areas of the coast look like. The wind damage is quite extensive in several parts of the island but we haven't been out to see them. But at the same time, it was amazing to see the surf and witness Mother Nature's fury first hand. Those are the kinds of experiences I'm so pleased to be able to give the kids.

PS - okay I take it all back - it's now 8:20 and the drive into town was HORRIBLE. It's snowing very hard and the wind is blowing it all around. I really feel uncomfortable sending the troops out in a rental car on a day like today. I pray they have a very safe trip, I know it will be a long one. Although they claim the time they drove back from New York City was worse (all the flights were grounded so they drove home), but they didn't have the kids with them. I won't relax until I know they are safe and sound in Ottawa.

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