Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday, August 2nd - what a difference 24 hours can make

This morning it's an overcast 17' with a very light misting of precipitation. Yesterday was meant to reach 22' but feel like 30'. Let me tell you, that didn't happen. It was 19' when I left work and there was a breeze so I was ever so glad to have a sweater at work.  We did receive some rain although not sure if it was enough to be very beneficial. Today we may see a few showers later in the afternoon  and we are again, supposed to reach 24' and have it feel like 30' but if it's like yesterday, that may not be the case. We'll see.

Other than the weather, I have absolutely nothing to report this morning. It was cooler when I got home last night so I actually cooked a proper meal and it was ready to serve when Lloyd got home from work. This slightly staggered work schedule definitely works well in that respect.

I had picked up a movie at the video store at lunch so after cleaning up dishes, we sat down to watch it but Lloyd kept falling asleep. We'll have to watch the rest tonight. Good thing it was a 7 day rental!

Anyway, other than that, nothing is new so I'm off to get ready for work. I'm hoping to get over and pull some weeds in my little garden tonight. I'm sure it's getting pretty congested in that wee patch!

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