Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, August 9th - more heat and humidity

It's 19' with a few clouds at 5:30, heading for another hot, humid day with a  high of 28' that will feel like 34'. This is insane for this part of the country.

I was cutting the lawn last night and amazed at how much of it has turned brown. There were really only patches that actually needed cutting because of these tall leggy weeds that seem to be flourishing in the heat. I see that Ontario is supposed to get heavy rain on Friday but I don't see it heading here any time in the near future. We may get a bit over the weekend but no significant amount is expected in the foreseeable future. Let's hope they're wrong and it makes it's way here.

Of course, my friend Lina is arriving on Saturday and staying till Tuesday morning. It was very cold and wet the last time she was here and I'm hoping it's not the same this time. Guess I can't have it both ways, though and we really do need the rain.

Not much else going on. There's lots of things I should be doing in the evening with company coming and all, but it's just too warm. I find the heat takes a lot out of you and by the time I get home I'm pretty much done in. Other than cutting the lawn until Lloyd got home last night, that was about it. Not to worry, though, as I have Saturday off, and Lina doesn't arrive until 5:00 so I'll have ample time to get the place in shape.

We BBQ'd some sausages for supper (surprise, surprise) that were left over from the boys night on Saturday. I had three different types to sample. Since I have buns left over I suspect there will a couple more varieties brought home tonight to sample.  All research for the BBQ, you know.

Plans are slowing progressing for that. I still have a couple of invitations to deliver but so far it's going well. There are some I haven't heard from yet but of those who have replied, all are coming except for one maybe, so that's good so far.  Still a few details to work out but that will get done.

Yesterday morning as the sun was coming up, there was a heavy mist on the river and it made for an absolutely gorgeous view. I tried taking a photo but it really doesn't do it justice.

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