Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday. August 29th - finally some rain

It's a cooler 13' this morning, heading for a sunny high of 20' later. Much more comfortable to be working outside.

When I got home last night, there was a big stack of wood piled beside the garage site that had been delivered by the lumber people. Looks lick construction can finally begin in earnest.  Lloyd suggested that he would finish splitting the wood first but I assured him I would do it,  as I'll have ample free time when Brenda is away in Holland. I'll need SOMETHING to do while she's away!

I took the roof and sides off the tent yesterday and just in the nick of time. Right after I came inside, and Lloyd was home it started bucketing down rain. The thunder and lightning and downpour continued on into the rest of the evening. I went to bed around 10:00 and I think it had finally stopped by then.

I have some news for Patti. Her little lilac bush has some tiny flowers on it! It looks like it's going to do just fine where it 's situated.

It will be interesting to see how many blooms there are come spring.  I'll get some mulch to put around it next spring as well and that will help keep the moisture in, especially if we get another summer like this one has been!

Lloyd is heading off to Guelph this weekend to do "airplane" stuff. It's just his luck that Patti called the other day and he answered the phone. It turns out they're heading for Washington D.C. this weekend and were planning to put the dog in a kennel. Now Lloyd can just pick up their car at the airport, stay at their house and look after the dog. It's a win/win for everyone! James is excited about going to the Smithsonian and I've given him a quest while he's there. I need a photo of him in front of the Julia Child exhibit, which I've never been to see yet.  There's lots to see in Washington so they'll have a very busy weekend! 

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