Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday, August 7th - another warm day ahead

Yesterday was once again, very warm and it looks like more of the same for today. Late last week they were predicting rain for the early part of this week but in reality it's turning out to be nothing. A few minutes of light drizzle yesterday morning and that was about it. Right now (5:15 am)  - it's 16' and it's getting hard now to tell if it's overcast or not, as it's  still quite dark. We should reach 26' again today with a humidex reading of 30'.

It's going to be just as hot, maybe a degree or two warmer in Guelph but fortunately Patti and the family are camping this week. She was telling me yesterday that they usually get cold, wet weather on their camping trip - so hopefully the weather will stay nice for this years adventure.

She sent me this picture early yesterday morning. Apparently James was up and out fishing at 5:00 am yesterday morning and he managed to catch 4 or 5 fish -

The happy fisherman

Papa says his problem might be the presence of "Mr. Tangles" beside him! She sent me another photo last evening and it appears his luck skill has improved. The photo quality isn't great but you get the idea!

The happier fisherman!

It was a little quieter than usual at work yesterday,  for a Monday, but I think that was because some places observed it as the August holiday.  Lucky people who had the day off. I imagine a large number of those were at  the beach.  It's okay, the rest of us will get our turn on the 17th.

I had an appointment for a hair cut last night and as Bernie was away, and their company was also gone for the day, I stopped in at Brenda's on my way home from Charmaines (my hairdresser). We had a lovely evening, finishing off a couple of part bottles of wine and some nachos and just generally catching up. It's been a while! Bernie was laughing last week when he saw that I was suffering from withdrawal!  He should talk - he's the one who traveled all the way to Halifax yesterday for a brief visit with the girls as they passed through the airport on their way back to Ontario. They were both in Nova Scotia to attend a wedding. I'm not sure if they attended the same wedding or it was just a coincidence that it was on the same day. I forgot to ask that question.

And as promised, I learned something last night and said I would share it here. I love microwave popcorn but I know it's not really very good for you - all that artificial stuff in there. Well, it seems it can be done without the pre-packaged additives.  Young Will came downstairs and announced he was going to make some popcorn. So he got a large bowl with a snap on lid out of the cupboard and proceeded to pour in some loose popcorn kernals - no oil or fat of any kind needed. Then he put the lid back on, but left one side unsnapped, and put it in the microwave. Within a very short time, you could hear the kernels popping. In a matter of minutes he had a big bowl of light and fluffy popcorn, to which he added some melted butter. I'm definitely going to try that tonight.  Thanks Will!

And finally, I must wish my good friend Nancy, a very Happy Birthday. The last two years we've been able to get together when she came to Halifax to visit her sister but unfortunately that didn't happen this year. But I'm glad we did get to spend a bit of time together in June when I was up in Ontario. So, have a great day Nancy.

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