Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's close but not here yet.

Conditions at 6:00 -3* and overcast
Expected later - 4* and mixed precipitation

Yesterday was cold and wet sometimes, yet at other times it was sunny. If you didn't like the weather, all you had to do was drive two minutes away and it would change. It was a crazy weather day.  At one point we even had tiny ice pellets coming down, but nothing too serious. I saw on the weather network that parts of New Brunswick had snow but fortunately we've escaped so far.We are truly going to enjoy any days we get that don't have snow, from here on in.

Tonight is week # 7 and we're doing stir fry and rice pilaf. It's a Food Network kind of night. I found an article in a Food Network Magazine that gives basic instructions for stir fry by providing basic recipes for 5 sauces and then what protein and what veggies you use are up to you.  The possibilities are endless. Then we're making rice pilaf that is my standard recipe courtesy of Alton Brown, also of Food Network fame. It's an easy recipe that turns out perfect every time.

Brenda had a good idea that I've followed up on. We've emailed all members of the group to bring in their favorite quick supper recipes so that we can share everyone's recipe with the group.  Now that we have all the email addresses, I hope we can keep in touch over the winter and maybe get together to do some more things later on.  I'd love to get together on a Saturday morning to have Brenda teach everyone how to make bread. Her recipe is so good and if I can make it and get good results, then anyone can. We'll have to do some thinking about how to pull that one off.

I talked to Patti on the weekend and everyone is coming for Christmas.  It is going to be here before we know it so I need to spend my remaining weekends getting the house in shape. When you live alone, it's very easy to let things slide. So I'd better pull up my socks and get busy, it will be here before we know it. I was in the Superstore yesterday morning and they are busy bringing in the Christmas trees and decorations. Time to get my christmas plans underway (or at least thought about).

Lloyd  has moved into his new apartment at Jana's.  He's getting settled in and he was stressing about where he was going to put his dish draining rack as the counter space by the sink is limited, then he realized that he has a dish washer. Apparently he also has heated floors in his bathroom. I mentioned that I don't have heat in my bathrooms, never mind heated floors, but he wasn't sympathetic! I'm glad he's happy with his new place. He even has a gas fireplace so even though it's very small, it has lots of amenities. I know he'll be comfortable there. He even got an email on Sunday from the landlords inviting him upstairs for beer and sushi while the trick or treaters were being served, but he didn't get the message till he got back from the movies. So he emailed Jana on Monday to thank her  and asked not to take him off the invitation list! 


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