Friday, November 5, 2010

It's going to be a long day

Conditions at 5:30 am - very windy and 12*
Expected later - rain and 17*

Yesterday was an incredibly busy day. If I totaled all the time I spent at my desk, I don't think it would add up to more than half an hour.  By the end of the day, I was really tired.  So much so that I went to bed at 9:15.  Earlier, when I got home, I spent a few minutes outside planting some spring bulbs that I had picked up at the store on Monday morning. They were on a clearance table and I would have thought it was too late to plant them, but Brenda and a couple of other girls planted lots of bulbs so I thought it might be okay. I put them into the little patch I had dug up earlier in the summer for herbs. It was a beautiful evening so I took the dog for a walk. By the time I got home, and made something to eat, I had time to watch a couple of things on TV and that was it. Trouble is I woke up at 2:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so after tossing and turning till 3:45, I decided I might as well get up. I should be ready for a nap around 2:00 this afternoon!

I just found out yesterday that we get November 11th off. It will be nice to have an extra day to do stuff around the house, or work on my quilt. The possibilities are limitless!  Of course, I'm always willing to be led off in a different direction. One thing about he house work, it will always wait for me.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be crumby, so after work on Saturday, I won't be tempted to do other things but work on my sewing project.  The sooner I get it done, the better, then I can focus on other things. I can't believe we are into November. Before we know it, the day will be here for Brenda and I  to do our Christmas baking. I think I should likely be doing the fruit cake soon.  I'll have to ask just when we did it last year. Once we have snow on the ground, it will be real. This weekend starts the annual run of Christmas Craft Shows so the season is definitely here. Yesterday I went into a hardware store to pick up something of the boss and the girls in the store were busy setting up Christmas trees. I know Lloyd will be cringing at that, but it is a fact of life.  After many years of not particularly enjoying December because of the amount of work involved (mostly at work), I'm finally enjoying the build up to Christmas again.

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