Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our snow isn't going to last

Conditions at 5:30 am - over cast and -2*
Expected later - mix of sun and cloud and +2* with rain expected overnight

Yesterday morning after I'd posted my blog, and gotten ready for work, I took the dog for his morning walk. It was still dark out but the sky was clear and the moon was full and the wind was gone. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning. It's too bad it hadn't been like that on Sunday, it would have been nice to have gone for a walk in the woods again. The walking trails just down the road from us are great. Hopefully we can get out there again soon. But it was good to be forced inside, as it motivated me to get some stuff done that badly needed doing.
Have I mentioned before how spoiled I am?  Yesterday I called Brenda to see if I could perhaps store my summer tires at her place. I needed them out of the car - three in the trunk and one in the backseat- so I could put stuff in the back for tonights class. Turns out Brenda needs my car this morning as well so they really had to go. But she was going to fitness class, which starts at 6:00, so she wasn't going to be home when I got there, but she said either Ethan or Bernie would be there. When I arrived at 6:15, Bernie insisted I come in and sit down and have something to eat. He and Ethan were finished but just barely. Brenda had made a delicious casserole with potatoes, and sausages (and I'll need to get the recipe cause I know it's something Lloyd will really like). Anyway before I had time to even say anything, a plate was filled with food and put down on the table. So I sat and ate, quickly, as I hadn't been home yet, and chatted with Bernie. I finished my food, we went outside and I moved my car so the guys could take out the tires, and then Bernie also cut a quarter inch piece off of one of the back panels to my island, which was slightly too long.(and just happened to be in my car).  I was in the car and driving out the driveway at 6:30. Lots accomplished in a mere 15 minutes!  But it was nice to have had a nice hot meal so when I got home I was ready to work. I had to bring in wood to the porch, a job I usually do on Sunday's when it's daylight. But because of the weather, and I'm such a wimp, I didn't do it. But it was 1* so it wasn't as cold and there was no wind so it was an easy task. I just parked my car facing the wood pile, put on the headlights, and away I went. Ironically enough, not ten minutes after I came in, I went out to the car to get something I'd forgotten, and it was snowing quite heavily.  Talk about timing!
I still don't have parade pictures yet, as Patti flew Sunday night and again last night so she hasn't had time to send them yet. But apparently their float won first prize.  The school puts one in each year but they've never come in first before so they were pretty pleased. I imagine it was in the school float category.Watch for that coming soon.
Tonight is our final class at community school. We're doing all things chocolate. We're doing two kinds of bark, one with dark chocolate, white chocolate and crushed candy canes and another with chocolate and toasted almonds.
We're doing truffles with various coatings on them - toasted coconut, cocoa, toasted walnuts, and sprinkles and of course, some with just chocolate. I made the truffle filling last night and it's all ready to go. I'm also taking some chocolate moulds so we can make chocolate boxes as well as suckers and we're going to try some filled chocolates. I heated a can of sweetened condensed milk but unfortunately I put it on the stove and left it longer than the required 3 hours, it was more like 4 1/2. It's still good but is thicker than it should be. But we'll give it a try anyway. I''ll provide the recipe to everyone but it's a classic case of do as I say, not as I do.
I bought a big bag of chocolate so we should have lots of treats for everyone to take home.

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