Thursday, November 11, 2010

Talk about your windy city!

Conditions at 6:30 am - VERY WINDY - still, 4* and overcast
Expected later - 7* and sunny

Yesterday and today the wind has been fiercely howling.  Last night I attempted to take the dog for a walk and we got as far as the mail box and we were both nearly blown away.  It was so strong, and lasted well into the night and continues this morning.  But at least it's not snowing and it will be really nice to see the sun later today. There are many Remembrance Day services and ceremonies around the island today so at least everyone won't be drenched with rain.
Yesterday was an incredibly busy day, and if I hadn't known better, I would have thought it was a full moon. I had several weird things happen yesterday, that were a little unusual for the run of the mill day. The most bizarre was when I was driving down North River Road by Queen Charlotte High School and there was another car traveling in the opposite direction. Just as we almost met each other, a tree blew down right across the road, smack dab in between the two approaching cars. One more second for either of us and it would have been on top of us.  It wasn't a huge tree but the trunk was about 5 to 6 inches in diameter so could have done a little damage. Students were outside at the school and they came running over and moved it off the road - it was the strangest experience to see this thing come flying down right in front of you.
Both Paul and Pam are in involved with the soccer championships that are being hosted by the University for the next few days and they are really busy with that. Yesterday afternoon I was scrambling to find someone to come in and finish my shuttle runs for me so I could go out and run errands for Paul.  Not an easy task to call someone at 2:50 and get them there by 3:00.  But I did it and was finally away from work at 5:45 after much running around.  We have a list of retired guys that come in and drive for us as needed, usually dealer trades and such. I can see Lloyd getting his name on this list when he gets here and is finally retired.  Heck, I wouldn't mind doing it myself.  Needless to say I was a little tired by the end of it, and what a treat to have Brenda call and invite me for supper. But it was late and I didn't want to hold everyone up, so I declined. I just wanted to go home, put a few logs on the fire and veg.  I did, however, have to stop by her place to drop off her groceries that were in the trunk of my car. I was very spoiled when I got there, to be given a casserole dish filled with piping hot rice and stir fry.  When I got home, it was minutes before I was able to sit down and enjoy a nice hot meal, that someone else prepared for me. So many thanks to Brenda, it was delicious and a much welcomed way to end a very busy day.
Today is Remembrance Day, and we here on PEI have the day off.  As a recognition of the occasion, I will end with this item I received by email last week, as a reminder of how truly fortunate we are to live here in Canada.

You reach for the cell phone  in your pocket.

   He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
  He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
 You walk down the beach, staring
at all the pretty girls.

He patrols the streets, searching
or insurgents and terrorists.
He's told he will be held over an
extra 2 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a
date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there
is a letter from home.
 You hug and kiss your girlfriend,
like you do everyday.

He holds his letter close and smells
his love's perfume.
 You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his
new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.
 You criticize your government, and
say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and
killed by their own people and
remembers why he is fighting.
 You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and
screams of the wounded.
 You see only what the media wants
you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying
around him.
 You are asked to do some thing by
your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told even
if it puts his life in danger.
 You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given
to call, write home, sleep, and eat.
 You crawl into your soft bed, with
down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.

 REMEMBER our Troops, and do not
forget them LATER
Lest we forget -



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