Monday, November 15, 2010

This is going to be interesting

Conditions at 5:30 - clear starry skies and a VERY frosty -1*
Expected later - mix of sun and cloud and 8*

This is the first morning we've had temperatures below 0 and we've made it to the middle of November so we can't complain at all. ESPECIALLY after the weekend we had! Oh my gosh, what a gorgeous day we had on Saturday.  When I left work on Saturday afternoon it was 18* and the sun was shining in a clear blue sky with NO wind. It was absolutely like a beautiful summer day.  I had meant to go to the grocery store on my way home but instead I headed home and took the dog for a nice long walk. It was wonderful.  On my way home I stopped by Brenda's but there was no one around and I was really hopeful that she was out on her motorcycle, and it turns out that's exactly where she was. She couldn't pass up that opportunity.
Then Sunday dawned just as sunny but much chillier, with a high of only 5*.

Well, Friday night, we went out to Belfast to check out the recreational curling. They had a huge turnout, much better than I think they were expecting. We had the opportunity to go out onto the ice and get a bit of instruction and try to throw some rocks and do a little bit of sweeping. It's not nearly as easy as it looks, and I had all the grace and finesse of an elephant. But all the people in our group were the same so you didn't mind looking really awkward.  We did sign up at the end of the evening so we'll see how it goes. I wasn't dressed warmly enough so it will be better next week. I was freezing very quickly so eventually I got off the ice and warmed up, but the others soon followed. I had time to drink half a beer by the time Brenda came in.

Saturday evening, I went to a concert at a church in town. Dave, from our service department was singing and playing his guitar. He used to be in a band and hasn't ever done this sort of thing by himself before, but it was actually quite good. He has a big, rich voice and it seems really funny coming from this short, balding older man. It was totally surprising and quite enjoyable. He two daughters also sang some songs and they had a group of people join in on a couple as well. I'm not sure it they were actually the choir from the church or not. But the whole evening was very good.

Sunday morning I got up and started sewing. I worked away until after lunch when Brenda arrived, and suggested we go for a walk. So we dressed warmly, and headed out to the trails that are down the road from me. It was lovely when you got into the woods, as it was sheltered.  I haven't been out on these trails before and it was beautiful.  It's interesting to see the Pisquid River up that far. It's barely more than a stream. When we were out there, we saw the biggest pine tree I've ever seen in my life. The trunk was massive. We didn't try it (cause we didn't think of it till later) but if we had stood on opposite sides, and reached around the two of us would not have been able to fit our arms around it. It was amazing. I wonder how old it would be.

By the time we got back, we had earned a glass (or two) of wine.  We sat and watched the second part of Oprah and munched on nacho chips and salsa and enjoyed our wine. It was a very pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Tonight I have to do some housework after I get everything gathered for our class tomorrow night. I at least got the dishes washed last night but tonight I need to do some sweeping and tidying. It's way too easy to find more fun things to do that housework. It's especially dangerous when you live alone. The dog never complains if the house is a mess!

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