Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Earlier and earlier...

It's amazing to me how much of a difference the sunshine can make to your life. Now that the days are getting longer and the sun is coming up earlier, it really puts your morning off to a great start. Gone are the days when it's dark when you go to work, and dark when you get home. Now you can tell how bright a day it's going to be before you even get out of bed. There's something about the sun first thing in the morning that energizes you. You just want to get up and get to it (what ever 'it' might be). I get up around 5:00 and have my shower and by the time I go downstairs, and let the dog out, the sun is up and he's off exploring for at least a half hour or more. Even Cooper senses that Spring is in the air and he enjoys spending time outside. Don't get me wrong - he is totally all about keeping warm. All winter he lies on either of his two mats - one in front of the woodstove in the kitchen and one in front of the gas fireplace in the living room.
This past Sunday, it was lovely and warm in the sun, and when we got home from skiing, he was not the least bit interested in coming into the house. Instead he lay down on the patio stones by the back door and that's where he stayed until 5:15, when I had to coax him in with his supper. I know even he is really looking forward to warm spring weather.

I have learned about two more people who are reading this epic, from time to time. One is my friend Fran, who just got put onto it this past weekend when Lloyd was there for supper. The other one is my son-in-law, Greg, so welcome both of you! Patti tells me Greg sometimes gets home from work and will ask "Did you read what your mom wrote this morning?"
What a nice feeling to know that there are people out there who care about what I'm doing.

I have a message for a couple of people who were asking about becoming a follower and posting comments. After some trial and error one night, Brenda and I figured out you have to sign up to Google. On the main page, where the followers are shown, you just sign up as a Google friend. It only takes a minute, doesn't cost anything and it's a one time procedure. Once you have signed in, you can post yourself as a follower, and you can leave comments. I love reading the comments that people leave, so please feel free.

I talked to Patti last night, and told her that I have a quilting class all day on Saturday. But, I do have Friday and Monday off so that's not so bad. I need to spend a day finishing my quilt but I'm sure there will be the odd Saturday or Sunday between skiing and kayaking when I can get it done. I took it to class on Saturday and Janice held it up while I took a picture. Even without the borders on it yet, I'm still pretty pleased with it.

I'm not sure yet what we're doing while the kids are here. I'm going to check the pool schedule today, and I know Meghan wants to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie. I will probably take James to a PEI Rocket hockey game. They are playing on Friday night and again on Sunday afternoon.
we'll have to figure out which time works best for everyone. I'm not sure how much snow boarding or skiing will get done when they are here, but we'll see. If there's still snow on the side hill, that may work well for the crazy carpets. We had freezing rain last week and some places are quite slippery - ideal conditions for a sledding hill.

Only one more sleep till they get here!

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