Thursday, April 14, 2011

And the music has begun!

Conditions at 5:30 am: overcast and 6'
Expected later: light rain for most of the day and 9'

Last night we were treated to some great music at the Delta. Brenda, Bernie, Caitlin and I went into town, arriving around 7:00. We just hung out at the hotel as they wouldn't allow anyone into the ballroom until 7:30. We stopped and chatted with a few people that Brenda knew (of course). One couple was with a man that I had driven earlier in the day and we had chatted about the fact that we were both going to the Delta. Little did we know that there would be a connection - again it's that degree and a half of seperation!

The first show consisted of four acts. One group, The Once, was from Newfoundland and they were really good. But the highlight of the evening had to be Matt Anderson. I've heard the name before and thought I'd seen him perform at the Scotties, but obviously that was a different Matt, because there would be no forgetting this one. He's a really big boy, with a mane of long, curly hair that he tosses around as he sings. He has an amazing voice and plays a pretty mean guitar and all in all puts on quite the show.  This particular set ended with The Trews, a Nova Scotia band who has quite the following with the college crowd. We saw them arriving in a huge limo sponsored by K-Rock. There was a second show starting at 10:00 and we stayed to watch the first band, who were visiting from Ontario. Brenda had driven them earlier in the day. It seems I could have volunteered to do transportation as well, because they just drive minivans. I'll know for next time.

While there,  I ran into Sarah, who I worked with at the University. She's on one of the ECMA committees and was manning a CD table. We had a lovely chat and it was really nice to see her again.

When we came out of the Delta there were spotlights sweeping around the night sky as we made our way to the Canton Cafe for egg rolls before heading back out to the country.  It was a great evening, even though it was WAY past my bed time.

On my way home, there was a lot of activity on MacKinnon Point Road. I'm not sure what was going on as it was too dark to see anything but there were at least two fire trucks and a lot of cars and lights from the corner on in. Hopefully nothing too serious but I'm sure I'll get the details from Brenda later once, the rumour mill gets up and running. I'll see if I can determine anything on my way to work this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I just read about the fire on the first page of the Guardian and wondered why we hadn't received a call from you. You are doing well integrating into Island society but you have a few things to learn about finding out and spreading the news.
