Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mother Nature has a sick sense of humour

Conditions at 5:15: -1', clear skies with a big bright moon and lots of stars
Expected later: a winter storm watch has been issued with snow and ice pellets

First fire of 2011
Yesterday, all day, the weather on the radio told us to expect 10 to 15 cms of snow and ice pellets today. This morning the weather network is predicting 5 cms so lets hope that's closer to the truth. The weather on Tuesday was beautiful. Sunny and mild - a perfect spring day - then they tell us to expect this???
It was so beautiful in fact, that we spent part of the evening cleaning up around the back yard where Lloyd had been splitting some of the logs from last year that I had trouble with. So last night I stacked up all the pieces of wood and we tidied up in anticipation of a snow storm. We had a huge pile of branches in the fire pit left over from the fall and it was a perfect time to burn those. So we lit a fire, pulled out some lawn chairs and roasted marshmallows. It was starting to cool off but it was still very pleasant. Tristen had great fun, and so did Grandma, who truly loves a bon fire, especially the first one of the season. 

First marshmallow of 2011
I called Lloyd yesterday afternoon and he was feeling extremely poorly. He'd woke up with a terrible headache and a bad cold and tried to blame that on me! He sounded very bad so I asked if I could take the day off today to watch Tristen. We have someone who comes in when I'm not there, but she couldn't come in till noon so I said I would work till 12:00 and then Carol could take over. I figured Lloyd could cope till lunch time. When I got home I fed him some turkey soup that I had in the freezer,  and then I went outside to putter and put things away. He came out with me and he was starting to feel a little better. He was still congested when it was time for bed so I shared some of my night time cold medication and we'll see how he is this morning. I asked him how Tristen had been yesterday and he says he got up, had breakfast, then went back to bed and slept till 12:30! I guess the last few late nights had finally caught up with him. His cold is much better. He had quite a runny nose when he first arrived but it's much better now. He was coughing a lot in the night a few nights ago but that's also pretty much gone. He was certainly enjoying the toasted marshmallows last night. If Lloyd is still feeling better, I probably don't need to come home early today, but I will anyway. I'm sure he'll need an afternoon nap at some point. The plus side of that is also that I'll get home before the snow comes, however much it is.

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