Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finally some warmth - maybe.

Conditions at 5:30 am: light rain and 5'
Expected later: more light rain and 18'

Finally we are going to get some nice warm weather, which will be nice, even if it is raining. The grass is starting to get nice and green everywhere you go and it's so nice to see.

Last night I was invited to the Van Gaals to taste test a new recipe, It was a beef and bean casserole and it was really good. It was topped with biscuits and sprinkled with cheddar cheese and then baked - yummy. I'll pick up the magazine today and post the recipe tomorrow because it's worth sharing.

Speaking of sharing, when Tristen was here, we baked cookies for Easter. We made sugar cookies, then he cut them out in Easter shapes. When they were baked, he did all the icing by himself and put on the sprinkles. He was very proud of his treats and we put some into a container for him to take home. The rest he ate over the next few days. Unfortunately we forgot to put the container in his suitcase and he was a little disappointed when he got home and realized we'd forgotten them. So I packed them up in a small box, and mailed them to Guelph. He's going to be one happy little boy when they arrive. Because Monday was a post office holiday they didn't get mailed until Tuesday, and the lady there told me it will take 5 days, so he likely won't get them until early next week. Hopefully they are not just a box of crumbs when they get there.

When I was at Brenda's last night, she asked if we were missing a hat. I asked if it was black with a red maple leaf pin on the front? It was, so the missing hat has been found. Lloyd will be ever so pleased to hear that as it's his favorite hat.

The ferries start running again this weekend so Brenda and I are heading out early Sunday morning and going to the Saltscapes show in Halifax. It opens at 10:00 am which is about when we should get there and there's a ferry late in the afternoon that will get us home in decent time. We had originally planned to go on Saturday and stay overnight but I have to work on Saturday as we're doing inventory, and we wouldn't get there until it was over for the day. If it's worth it, hopefully we can plan to go for the entire weekend next year. This working for a living is really getting in the way of having fun!

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