Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today will be better

Conditions at 5:15 am: clear and -1'
Expected later: looks like only 2' and a few flurries

Well my cold is still hanging in there. Yesterday I actually felt worse by the afternoon than I did the day before and by the time I got home I was ready for bed. But that would have been a mistake so instead I changed into warm wooly clothes as I was chilled through, had something to eat, watched a little TV and then went to bed early. Only trouble is it was TOO early and I ended up wide awake at 1:00 am. So downstairs to watch some TV until 3:30 then a little more sleep before the alarm went off at 5:00. But I think today will be better, as I don't feel so bad this morning.

When I got home I didn't feel up to taking the dog for his walk so I just put him outside in the back yard. He went out a couple of times through out the evening but I think he was a little miffed at me for not following up with our usual routine. When I went to bed, he immediately went into the other room and got up on the other bed, something he never does. Talk about the cold shoulder!

I received this email from Lloyd and I'm having trouble figuring out if it's real or not. It certainly looks real enough but I can't find any information on this phenomenon anywhere. If it is real, surely it would have  been documentd before this. I wonder...

What do you think??

Recent meteorological phenomenon in the Gaspé

This is St-Pierre behind Val Dirène in the Gaspésie 
region of Quebec.

It is the frost build up - sort of like the ice storm 
but this was a frost storm.

The official term is a ZAG... zone d'amplification 
du givre (frost amplification zone).

Yes, those are miles and miles of trees that look 
like marshmallows (don't ask how much weight is 
on the transmission tower.)     

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