Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Still fighting this cold

Conditions at 5:30 am: light rain and 2'
Expected later: more rain and 12' but maybe some sun as well

I'm still battling this cold and trying hard not to let it win. I got home last night and had something to eat, watched a bit of TV, then had my Neo Citron, laced with a shot of rye,  and went to bed. End of story. I'm hopeful that tonight I will feel more like doing something. I want to watch the video that Sheila loaned me before I start putting the warp on. I still have to pick up a metal rod and Bernie and Brenda told me a place I should be able to get one. I will try to slip around to Belmont Street today and see what I can find. Other than that, nothing to report so I'm off to have my Neo Citron breakfast and then take it from there.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my folks she must really be sick. This is the shortest post yet.
