Wednesday, April 13, 2011

East Coast Music!

Conditions at 5:00 am:-2' and clear
Expected later: 8' and a mix of sun and cloud

Should be another nice day again today. Yesterday was beautiful - sunny and mild.
Today is the start of the ECMA's (that's East Coast Music Awards) so the whole town will be buzzing for the next few days. I'm going to one of the events tonight with Brenda and Bernie.  Brenda is working four shifts as a volunteer driver so she'll likely get to meet all sorts of musicians. That should be quite a bit of fun for her.

I received a call on the weekend from Eleanor, the lady who helps organize Community School. She was wanting to confirm that Brenda and I would be teaching cooking again in the fall. I told her I expected that we would, so now I guess we're on again.  We're going to have to give it some thought over the next couple of months. I'll have to ask the girls that came last year if they are coming again this fall and that will give us an idea of what we should do. If we have the same students (or at least some of them) we'll need to change it up a bit for this session.

There's going to be a benefit for Jimmy and Pam at the Rec Centre on Sunday evening. Besides a concert and lots of fun, there will be a silent auction and a cake auction so I'm trying to decide what kind of cake I'd like to bring. Lloyd is going to see if he can get something donated from his company as well for the silent auction. 

This is going to be a busy weekend.  We're going to the Globe on Saturday afternoon to listen to blues, with Bob sitting in on drums, then the benefit on Sunday. I'm glad that Lloyd will be here to take part in all of this. Two more sleeps and they'll be here!

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