Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We made the best of a rainy day.

Conditions at 5:10 am: 16' and wet
Expected later: 21' and sunny in the afternoon

It rained all morning yesterday but fortunately for James, he was inside at the pool so it didn't matter. He had a much better day yesterday. When I picked him up at 5:00 I asked how his day had been and he said "Great" so that was good news.

We had planned to go to the movies because we were expecting it to be pretty crumby weather and it was. It wasn't raining when we went into the theatre with our Subway sandwiches (we were afraid it might be sold out) and we ate our supper while we waited for the show to start. It was really cute and it's the first 3D movie I've seen with the newer technology and I was impressed. We had apparently made the right decision to arrive early. I was talking to the lady who was sitting next to us and they had come from Summerside in the afternoon to do some errands and planned to go to the 3:00 show and when they got there at quarter to 3 it was sold out. So they ended up staying in town to go to the next one and it was pretty much full as well.

We had thought about hanging around long enough to go to the Sound and Light show when it got dark but it was pouring rain when we came out of the theatre so we opted instead to go to Dairy Queen. (James' visit isn't doing my diet any good!).Besides, he was in a hurry to get home to see Big Bang Theory. I think I've created a monster!

Patti called last night. It appears they have cell phone service where she is so that's good. It sounds like they are having a good time - all 20 something of them. 

I'm off on Friday so I'm hoping that maybe we can go for a short bike ride during the day, maybe go somewhere for lunch but I'll check with Brenda and see what Bernie's schedule is like. I know they are away for the weekend so he may be busy in anticipation, but we'll see.

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