Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another successful class

Conditions at 5:00 am: 3' and clear
Expected later: 15' and sunny

It's a chilly one this morning but will warm up nicely as the day goes on. Yesterday was a tiny bit cooler than we've been experiencing but it was still a beautiful sunny day.
We had our second class last night and all went well. We were still missing some people but it worked out just fine.We enjoyed making and eating the dips and we're getting used to people wandering in to see what we're doing and the comments as we leave of "It sure smells good in there". We must be doing something right.

I guess the other big news is I pick up my new car tomorrow. I haven't had a chance to talk to Lloyd about it yet but I guess I'll hear from him today!   I was browsing through the paper yesterday morning and there was this big ad for Toyotas with a really great monthly payment for  a fully loaded 2011 because they need to clear them out before the 12's come in. I asked Paul about it (our sales person) and he said he'd do some numbers for me to see if he could do better. When he gave me the choices, I said to go for it, never in a million years expecting that Toyota Finance would consider it on just my salary but John came back to me and said, whatever I'm doing, keep doing it, because about 15 seconds after he submitted the application to Toyota, it came back approved.

So, Lloyd, before you have a heart attack, here's my thinking:

This is a lease for 5 years. Lloyd will need a car come January or March or whenever he moves here. I'm very hopeful that in 5 years I can retire so when the lease on this one is up, I can just turn it back in and hopefully we will only need one car by that time.  So you can have the 2010 and I will use the 2011.  My new car has all the bells and whistles (compared to the 2010) - automatic transmission, air conditioning, power windows and door locks, cruise control, - all the things I've never had in a car will be mine for 5 years.  I'll alternate driving the two of them until Lloyd is ready to move then he can take the 2010 and the trailer to Ontario to move his stuff.

It was one of those things that just seemed like a good idea at the time and it all just fell into place.  I think it will work for both of us. Not that I'm trying to rush you down here, but now there will be one less problem to work out when the time comes.

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