Thursday, September 1, 2011

I can't believe it's September already

Conditions at 5:15 am: clear skies with lots of stars and 9'
Expected later: sunshine and 20'

The calendar says September and it feels like it this morning. In fact, it felt like it before I got out of bed. I woke up around 4:15 and was a little cold but I just didn't want to get out of bed to get another blanket because I knew it would be colder outside of the covers so I shivered until time to get up - now how dumb is THAT!
It was a gorgeous day yesterday and promises to stay that way right through Saturday. Perfect weather for painting a house! And that's exactly what the VanGaals are doing. I stopped by their place on my way home from work and they were busy at it. Bernie advised that he had promised Caitlin a raspberry pie when she got home from town. Fortunately for him Brenda happened to have one in the freezer. So I was invited to come by later for a piece. I was going home to finish cutting the grass and I came in the house shortly after 8:00, mostly because it was getting dark - and cold. I was only inside for a short time when Brenda called so I went over and enjoyed fresh baked raspberry pie and ice cream. YUMMMM. Caitlin got home just before I left so I was able to say good bye and good luck to her, as she's leaving today for London. I forgot to give her Lloyd's cell number. He's only an hour away in case she ever needed to call someone for anything. I'll make sure her mom gives it to her. You just never know.

Got this photo yesterday from Patti. Meghan has her new braces on. I'm sure there will be challenges with these for a little while.

Well, it's another slow news day so I'm off.
One week from today Lloyd will be here  Hi to-do list is pretty short this time so we should have some time to do some fun stuff. Well, actually we already have some plans - two Fall Flavours events and Sir Elton John.  We'll see what the rest of the week brings.

OOOPS - almost forgot- a Big Happy Birthday to Tristen, who is 6 years old today, and I've just realized I didn't wish Meghan a Happy 9th birthday on the 27th of August because it was a Saturday. Sorry Megs! But I know she's planning to have a party after school starts so that will seem more like her birthday anyway.

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