Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Elton John Day!

Conditions at 5:15 am: 17' and clear
Expected later: 24' but the humidity will make it feel like 30'?

What the heck is up with our weather? We're finally getting the weather we should have had in July. Not that we're complaining or anything. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and when I got home I made a quick supper then stacked some wood. It was just too nice to stay inside.

Well, tonight is the Elton John concert in Summerside. I still can't believe he's coming to our little island - and for two nights. I see that there are still lots of tickets available on Kijiji and some people who bought tickets solely for the purpose of making a big profit, will be sorely disappointed.

I've never seen him perform live before. The closest  I've gotten was on the jumbo screen at Buckingham Palace in 2002 at the Queen's Golden Jubilee. Even if we'd been inside the palace grounds it still would have been on a screen as his performance was broadcast from inside the music room in the palace. I would have loved to have seen him back in the early 70's when he wore some outrageous costumes. I think that would have been quite an  experience.

It seems like a long time ago the tickets went on sale but it was only in July so I guess it's not really that long. I heard about the concert the day I came back from seeing McCartney in New York City. But it still  just kind of crept up on us - especially Brenda,  as she and Bernie have all kinds of things they want to get done before he goes away on his hunting trip on Friday.

Lloyd is also going away on Friday. He's heading off on his bike to Cape Breton to visit our friend Seeward. He was planning to do the 'Ride for the Cure' but then he wouldn't get back till quite late Saturday or sometime on Sunday and that might not work as he'll miss too much going on here. We'll just have to wait and see how the trip plays out. Like I told him, he can't do everything - he'll just have to choose. So I'd better prioritize my list of jobs so he has time to get those done that really need doing before he leaves Friday morning - anything else outside will just have to wait till spring.

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