Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It sure didn't feel like fall...


Conditions at 5:45 am: a few clouds and 21'
Expected later: rain and 20'

What a glorious weekend! Earlier in the week they were predicting rain for Sunday and Monday but by Friday that had changed and they were right this time. It was sunny and warm all three days - what a treat for us. And I think we made the most of it. On Saturday I came home after work and made dinner for the VanGaal's who were busy painting - still. I had dropped in on Friday and made a quick meal for them and then I took the food over on Saturday. I know I enjoyed doing it and they truly appreciated it. The house is looking great but boy, what a big job for the two of them by themselves.  (Now that all the kids are gone!)

Sunday was our day to play, and play we did. We left Brenda's on our bikes around 10:30 and went over to Tracadie for the Lion's pancake breakfast, then took the long way back to town and picked up Mireille at her place shortly after noon. We headed out towards Cavendish and meandered around the top of the island. One really interesting thing happened when we stopped at Carr's Oyster bar for an ice tea. There was a fellow there that Mireille knew and when I looked a little closer, I realized it was one of the technicians from Toyota. So we got a good laugh out of the fact that we ran into someone that Mireille and I knew and Brenda didn't run into anyone. Quite an unusual event. From there we wandered over to the studio of Tony Diodati, as well know painter here on the island. I think Patti's heard of him before!!! (she has several pieces of his work). She would have loved the studio. Next time she's here in the summer, we'll have to make sure we go there for a visit as Tony and his partner go to Florida for the winters.

Cabot Park
We continued on through to Kensington area and stopped at Cabot Park and walked down to the beach. We decided our beach out here, Lakeside, is nicer. Our next stop was at the Frosty Treat in Kensington for ice cream. From there we eventually made our way home. It was 10:00 am when I left home in the morning and I got home around 7:30 pm so it was a very full day of biking - but a really great one. Thanks ladies, for yet another great day of touring the island.

Monday  was just as perfect but I spent part of the day inside cleaning and doing laundry. But I did do a bit of wood and I also sat outside on the front step and read for a bit. It was one of those truly rare days, when the sun was warm and there were no bugs!

The sky at 5:15
Then it was time to head over to the Rec Centre for the Liberal Fund Raiser. We had to make sure the premiere and all the other 'important' people got properly fed. They were indeed well fed as were the staff. but it was a late night.

Now this morning I'm watching this amazing sunrise unfold before my eyes. It started out very deep red and as I watch, it changes right before my eyes. I know the red sky this hour of the morning isn't a good sign of things to come, but it's beautiful to watch as the sun comes up.

10 minutes later
Lloyd had his big BBQ on Monday but unfortunately the weather in Ontario was not nearly as perfect as ours was. By all accounts the event was a success but it was cold and not a very pleasant day to be hanging out in the hangar, but the food was a hit. Guess he'll just have to try to replicate the event here next year.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a great weekend. I just want to let everyone know what a lifesaver Sandy was to the Van Gaals on the weekend with two delicious suppers ready for us when we finished our days painting. Friday was a shrimp pasta with salad and Zuchinni Bread for desert and Saturday was Lamb burgers with a salad and Pear Upside down pie. We just love having her as a neighbor
