Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, November 3 - yesterday was 'Take your kid to work day'

Conditions at 5:30: clear starry skies and 5', heading for a mix of sun and cloud and 12' !!!

I've never been involved in take your kid to work day as it didn't start until my kid was working at her own job! Wednesday was take your kid to work day so one of the owners brought in his daughter and her friend. Trouble was no one planned in advance so there was nothing for these two girls to do. Not to worry - Sandy will find them something to do. SO they spent the morning sorting work orders and putting them in numerical order. They asked if this was all the orders for the past week and I told them no, it was all the orders for the day before. They were surprised that I had to do this boring sorting job every single day.  It was a bit of  an eye opener for them. I found other sorting and folding type jobs for them to do the rest of the morning then they went for lunch. When I came back from my lunch, they were both working at my desk, answering the phone. Of course they were playing games on the computer and such but they asked if they could stay there a little longer. I told them they could stay there all afternoon if they wanted. So I had a chance to do some filing of my own that I've been trying to get at for a couple of weeks and didn't have to jump every time the phone rang. All in all it was a pretty terrific day for me.

After work, I went over to the grocery store to put in a 4 hour shift there. Needless to say, since Halloween ended, it's now all out Christmas.  The general merchandise isle is filled with decorations, dishes, all sorts of Christmas goodies. It's probably a good thing I don't work in that department - I'd end up owing them money at the end of each week instead of the other way around, especially when things go on sale.

I got home around 10:30 and checked my messages on my phone and there was nothing too urgent. Then about one minute later, there was a new one from my friend in Fergus telling us all that our friend Kelli, who did a cake on a TV show called Cake Walk was on 'right now'. I must have missed the email telling me when and where to find it but I turned on the TV and was able to locate it.  I only caught the last 20 minutes of it but I saw that it's re-broadcast again at 1:00 am so I've taped it to watch later. I did find it interesting that one of the judges was the owner of Lot 30, a prominent restaurant here in PEI. What a small world.

Speaking of cakes, there will be a cake auction at the rec centre spaghetti supper on Sunday and I've got my cake all planned. Hopefully it will be something people will want to bid on. It's going to be a bit out of the ordinary (I hope).

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to post apicture of thr cake.
