Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 23rd - what a difference a day can make

Yesterday we reached a sunny 24' with a humidex reading of 30'. This morning it's 7' (although that's warmer than I was expecting) and the wind had been howling around since last night. Our temperatures will drop throughout the day and remain around 5' - much more seasonal for spring in Atlantic Canada.

I feel sorry for people who look after large buildings because it's so difficult to regulate the indoor temperatures of commercial buildings when it fluctuates so wildly. It's almost impossible to get them stable. We had the doors propped open yesterday to try to get a bit of a breeze in. Don't think that will be a problem today.

Yesterday I finished off Lloyd's resume and cover letter and got a couple of opinions at work. One expressed that Lloyd was way too qualified for anything on THIS island. I suspect that's not entirely true. Now all I have to do is find someone else who thinks that way as well.  I sent it off to him for final approval and then I'll send it out to a new company that's coming to town and see what happens. They might not mind that he's from away!

So with this extreme turn around in the weather, one must always be prepared.

This was my foot wear yesterday:

And this is what I'm wearing today - are these not the funkiest rubber boots you've ever seen?  They had them in the Marks Work Wear House flyer yesterday so I had to check them out. Unfortunately they were out of the style that I wanted (more of a slip on type) and these only came in this colour or bright yellow so I opted for these. They look quite pink in the photo but they are much more purlpley than they appear here. I thought they would be perfect for this time of year. I have lots of mud in my yard so they should work well!

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