Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19th - it's cold again!

I had thought I might be done with fires for this year. The house didn't feel too bad last night when I got home, in fact it was quite comfortable. So I cleaned all the ashes out of the stove and left it. Unfortunately I woke up at 4:30 this morning and I was VERY cold. Although the temperature in the house was 61' it still felt quite chilly lying in bed. What else could I do? Get up and light a fire.  The Weather Network says it's 2' but there's frost on everything so I think it might be just a touch colder here. We're only going up to 7' today, although the sun will be shining, so I suppose we're not quite done with wood yet.

Last night was spent tidying, dusting, and generally working on the list I made yesterday, of things that need to get done before Saturday. I talked to Brenda last night and she has a couple of things to do in town today and will be there until shortly after 5:00. Guess what that means? You've got it - an opportunity to try yet another burger. The remainder of my cleaning can wait  till a little later. I still have to make the shopping list so I've got the cookbooks loaded up in a bag and I'll do that at lunch time. If I take my lunch today I can use one of the tables in the lunch room to work on.

My lunch hour was recently switched from 11:45 to 1:30 and I'm totally loving it. Now when I got out at 1:30 all the lunch people have gone back to work. There are  no lineups, lots of parking spots, and it's just generally much easier to accomplish more things in a short time. Yesterday I had 4 stops I wanted to make while I was out and would usually have only gotten 2, maybe 3 if I was lucky, done in the hour. But I finished all 4 and still got back 10 minutes before my hour was up. And now, if I do use the lunch room, it's empty so I have the place all to myself. How selfish is that? Now I can read my book in peace and quiet.

I love this time of year. Each day when I get home, things are just a little greener. The green of the winter crops in starting to brighten the fields and the sides of the road are noticeably more colourful. The grass in my yard is slowly starting to turn green and if we get the rain forecast later in the week, it will explode with colour the first warm sunny day we get. It's so nice after looking at dead, brown grass for so long. The trees are still a long way from having leaves but soon they will be bursting open, as will the blossoms on the apple trees.

Apparently the bikers made it safely to Toronto, as reported by Meghan, and should be headed across the border from London, sometime today, I would imagine. Hopefully the weather there is slightly warmer than it is here or it might be a chilly start to their adventure. But they're headed south so the weather should get progressively better.

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