Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday, June 1st - Lloyd's last day at Great Gulf

Today is pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday with 9' this morning heading for a high of 15' with a mix of sun and cloud although I don't think it made it that high yesterday. It was 13' for most of the afternoon and I broke down and lit the fire when I got home. The house was cold and damp and really needed to be warmed up. The dog really appreciated having a fire to sit beside since he had his hair all trimmed off yesterday. He spent the entire evening lounging in front of the stove.

The kids didn't get away until this morning. They had planned to leave after their regular ball game in Paris last night but opted instead to head off early this morning. I sent a message wishing them a safe and happy trip to the Guelph radio station yesterday and they read it on the air so hopefully someone heard it.

Tristen is a really funny little kid. He's such a homebody. We noticed that about him when he stayed with us for a week last year. He's not very adventurous and just likes to stay home. Patti and I were texting back and forth yesterday and she told me he wants to know "why can't I just stay home?" I thought he would be excited about going but that's not the case. Meghan on the other hand, seems to have taken a page from her grandmothers habits and is quite the list maker. Patti says she has a note book that she carries with her all the time and for the time that her parents are away, she has everything listed with regards to where she has to be, when, what she needs to bring with her, right down to when she will eat meals. Greg's mom, who is staying with her, asked Patti if she'd made a list of things that Meghan needs and Patti told her not to worry, Meghan has it all under control. The girl has a brilliant future ahead of her as an event planner or something where that detail to attention will be a valuable asset.

They've posted the schedule on the Cooperstown website and there are four games that James' team is playing that will be on the internet. One is during the day on Tuesday so I should be able to see that one at work. The others are on the weekend and Tuesday evening and my internet connection isn't the greatest so I'm not really hopeful about that one but at least I'll get to watch one. I'm hoping I'll be able to see the opening ceremonies on Saturday afternoon as well, but we'll see how it goes.

I talked to Lloyd last night as well and he has pretty much everything packed up and ready to load into the trailer. There's space in Patti's garage to park it until he's ready to hit the road so that's a good thing. He's dropping Meghan off at school this morning then heading in for his last day, which I'm sure will be pretty short and revolve mostly around food! Hope it's a good one!

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