Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14th - the calm before the storm

Right now it's a lovely 12', heading for 17' later and possibly some rain, although you wouldn"t know it this morning by the bright sun streaming in the window.

Yesterday Lloyd met with his new employer (twice) and things are all set to go. He starts work on June 25th  so he's got lots to do in the next 10 days!  I dropped him off at the airport last night at 5:00 so he can get going with his last minute preparations for the final move.

After I got home last night it was very quiet here and I realized my life of rest and relaxation is about to end! As we've said before, it will be quite an adjustment for the both of us. So I took advantage of having an evening with absolutely nothing to do - not even cut the grass because he has that all done. Instead I sat down and read a book and then went to bed! How lazy is that?  I'm looking forward to his being here to add some structure to my life, at least in the evenings. Getting back into a routine of making a proper meal in the evenings and then having someone to help with the little things that need doing around the place that have been waiting for 3 years, will be great, in spite of what challenges it might bring with it.

But for now, I'll enjoy my last 10 days of the single life! Tonight I have to do some laundry and dishes while I bake a cake to take into work tomorrow. Yesterday was my one year anniversary at work and I promised I'd bring in cake so I'd better get on that tonight. No idea what it will be but I have a couple of ideas. It will serve two purposes actually - if I put a layer of fondant on it, then Mike can taste it and take a piece home for Willow to try as well. Their wedding is in less than a month so I'd better get seriously thinking about their cake and how I'm going to pull it off. It's a unique shape with some quite involved decorating on the top layer so I need to figure out how I'm going to do it but it will be a fun challenge that I'm looking forward to trying.

And that's pretty much it for this morning. Brenda is still trying to recover from a cold that just doesn't want to let go. The weather is supposed to be nice on Sunday so hopefully she'll be feeling better. We'd hate to miss a Sunday as a sick day!

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