Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 11th - a surprise visitor for the weekend

It's a foggy and chilly 7' this morning but it should clear up nicely and give us a sunny 20' later (let's hope!)

Friday night was a great time. It was the annual Fort Augustus Rec Centre volunteer Lobster Dinner (with BBQ steak for those who were so inclined). Match that up with potato salad, baked potatoes and cole slaw and it was a meal fit for a king. That was meant to be the highlight of my weekend. Until a little after lunch on Saturday. I was at work when my cell phone rang and it was Lloyd asking if I could pick him up at the airport at 12:30 (the one right after midnight). Needless to say that was not a problem. I made a list of cleaning items that needed to be done this weekend (actually I'd made it before hand as I really needed to do some damage control inside!) and headed home,. now with a deadline - which isn't a bad thing. Sometimes I work better under pressure.

On my way home, my cell phone rang again, and this time it was Brenda. Seems she'd invited another couple over for supper - roast chicken and BBQ moose steak - supper would be served at 7:00. Alrighty then, now the timeline has been shortened. Not to worry. Got home, changed into some old clothes put on some music and started in. In a little while, I was pretty much finished (or at least as much as I needed to get done for the day. Then it was off to a great evening at the Van Gaals. Lots of good food, lots of great company and conversation and before I knew it the time was 11:00. Just time to go home, let the dog out for a few minutes, grab my purse and head into town. Fortunately the flight was on time and all went well.

Sunday dawned rainy and cool, not at all conducive to much outdoor activity. So I lit the fire in the woodstove, and made a coffee. When Lloyd got up, we had coffee and just sat at the table enjoying the view and our morning together. I called the Van Gaals at 10:00 and woke poor Bernie up - sorry about that! I invited them over for breakfast and a few minutes later, Brenda called when she got home from church. She sounded terrible. She'd finally come down with a cold she felt threatening a few days before. So after a hearty breakfast they went back home so she could crawl into bed and rest. Hopefully she's feeling a little better this morning. Because the weather wasn't the  greatest, we didn't do anything much until late afternoon, although Lloyd spent a large part of the day trying to figure out where the break in the underground fence wire was.  It finally cleared up and got a little sunnier and a couple of breaks were found and all was finally working again.

We then took a little trip over to Five Houses Road to check out the garden and plant a couple of new plants I'd picked up on Friday. It seems to be doing well, although it has been cold and rainy. A couple of days of sun and it will really spurt up.

After a delicious supper of mashed potatoes, corn, cole slaw and BBQ steaks,  we called it a day.

All in all a great, surprise weekend. Now let's wish Lloyd good luck this morning - his reason for coming down in the first place was for a job interview today. Hopefully things will go well.

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