At least I hope so. Last night was not so much. I have mixed feelings this morning and I'm not sure what to think.
I have a new neighbour, and last night we met for the first time. I was watching a program on my computer in the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I looked outside and saw an unfamiliar vehicle and an unknown woman at the back door. I opened it and was greeted by a lady who informed me she was my new neighbour. My first thought was that it was very nice of her to come over and introduce herself. Turns out I was wrong. The purpose of the visit was to inform me that in a couple of weeks there would be cattle pastured across the road, and accompanying them would be a donkey. She went on to inform me that the donkey will kill the dog if he comes anywhere near the cattle. I expressed my appreciation at letting me know in advance of this potential threat to Cooper's safety. And if she had left it at that, it would have been fine. But at least five times during the course of the conversation, she specifically made a point of saying, and I quote, "He took a dump on my front yard". If she had told me this once I could understand the frustration that must have come from it, but after the fifth time, I realized that's what was really bothering her.
Don't get me wrong, I totally understand how she must feel. The dogs next door come over and poop in my yard all the time, but I'm fairly certain that Cooper occasionally does the same thing next door so it balances out. I don't complain about it to them, and Laurie and Frank don't complain about it to me. I guess she just wanted to make sure I totally understood why she was really there. I felt after the fourth time of saying it, that maybe she wanted me to come over and pick it up. If I wasn't afraid of sounding like a smart ass, I would have asked her if that's what she would like me to do.
She kept saying how much she loves dogs and that she was only concerned for his safety. I told her I would make sure he doesn't go over to her yard anymore, by tying him up when he's outside. She then said, gee, I hate to see them tied up. Well
I guess I'm sounding a bit bitter, and I don't really mean to. I suppose if I had a nice new fancy house, I'd not like to have the neighbours dogs pooping everywhere.
She also went to my next door neighbours, and apparently that neighbours response to the donkey threat was "Oh well, if he gets killed, he gets killed" Needless to say I heard all about that too.
It could be an interesting summer so I think I will just keep Cooper either tied or on a leash, and let the other two battle it out.
The new neighbour did invite me over for coffee sometime. That's not likely to happen because I don't really want to get into the middle of the two of them, it could get nasty!
But on the bright side, it's going to be 20 degrees today and the sun is shining so it's all good.
I hope you said to her "Thats Nice"