Friday, March 4, 2011

Last day of the deep freeze.. for now

Conditions at 5:15 am: -15' but calm
Expected later: -10' and maybe some sun

Yesterday we had sun for part of the day and it was a beautiful sight to see. On the weekend we are expecting balmier temperatures - up to 7' on Sunday and Monday. I'm going to take advantage of that to do some cleaning in my sun porch. Because it's usually so cold out there, it has become, one again, a bit of a dumping ground. There's stuff all over and I need to move the two book cases upstairs. Since I won't have any friends to play with this weekend, it's a great time to get that done. Then I can look for shelves to put out there to start making it into a pantry. That will be very functional. It's been almost two years and I think you have to live somewhere for a while to fully figure out what changes you need to make to enable it to fully work for you and your lifestyle. I think I've finally got it all figured out. Of course part of that will enable Lloyd to put a door in the back porch and construct a wood shed of sorts, that will make a tremendous difference to life out here on the island. It's amazing what priorities become the most important - dry, accessible wood is my top one for the winter months!

After several emails yesterday between Patti and I, it looks like Tristen may be coming down with Lloyd for Easter. Several times when I've talked to him on the phone, I've gotten the same request. "Grandma, a long time ago Meghan got to come to your house by herself. When will it be my turn to come by myself?"  So not only will it give him the trip he so wants, it will also boost Lloyd's status for flying ever so slightly. So there is a benefit to him as well. But I think Tristen will love that he's the only kid here and to have the Easter Bunny find him here will be fun for him, not to mention entertaining for us as well. I do miss those kinds of celebrations with the kids so it's ever so slightly selfish on my part as well!

Brenda heads off this afternoon for Florida. The guys haven't arrived there yet but should be by tonight (let's hope so, they're picking Brenda up at the airport.) But she doesn't get in till late so they've still got lots of time. She came over last night for a snack and a beverage and she has her toe nails all polished up and ready to hit the beach!  I'm sure they'll have a great time touring around on the bike. I just checked the weather for Orlando and it looks like mid to low 20's for temperature so it will be great - nice and warm but not stifling hot. I love that first step off the plane, and you feel the real warmth you can only get from the sun, on your skin in the midst of a cold snowy winter. There's nothing like it.
Have a wonderful time everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is as warm at midnight when we get in.
