Thursday, March 3, 2011

A tragic story

Conditions at 5:30 am: According to the weather network, it's only -8' and we are going to -12' later this morning but it's quite windy so it's going to feel much colder
Expected later: maybe a bit of sun and stronger winds

Yesterday the news reported on an incident where a snowplough driver was assaulted by a man who was allegedly pushing snow out of his driveway onto the road. Then later in the day we learned that police and fire departments were searching the Hillsborough River in Mount Stewart for the man who was accused of the assault. As of this morning all the news is reporting is that his truck was found on the bridge and someone saw him leaning over the railing. I'm sure there's more to the story than what is being reported but it's a really sad and tragic situation. We're hoping the outcome will not be the worst.

I got a nice email from Fran yesterday to let me know they had a good trip back. She says they all really enjoyed themselves and now she is looking for the address for this blog. She did read it once before but it would be pretty boring for someone who doesn't know any of the people in it. But now that she's met the whole family - Cooper, the VanGaals, the Andersons, etc, it will all make more sense to her now. Even talkng about the bridge in Mount Stewart, will have meaning for her as they crossed it many times. So good morning Fran, if you are reading this today!  I also have to say good morning to my friend from college days, Cheryl, who I know reads it as well from time to time, as do Mike and Carol. It's nice for me to know that people I care about, care enough to wonder once in a while just what I'm up to!

Well, I'm still enjoying left overs from when the ladies were here.  It's great to come home from work and there's food in the fridge that just needs to be heated up or whatever. There was a bit of roast beef left over and the last two nights all I've had to do is make some toast and slice off some beef and enjoy a lovely toasted roast beef sandwich for my supper as well as a LOT of Katy's dessert. But it does make an excellent breakfast as well, (since I need to use it up before it spoils!).

But no leftovers tonight, as Brenda is coming over for some nachos and wine before she leaves for Florida tomorrow. Hopefully the guys are making good progress on their road trip down.

Yesterday I took our service manager home in the middle of the day as he was not well. As he usually takes the shuttle home, I will pick him up this morning since he'll have no way to get to work. Fortunately he lives on the Mason Road and I can swing by on my way to work and pick him up. So that will involve leaving about 20 minutes earlier than usual as he opens the doors in the morning so I'll cut this short this morning as we were expecting some blowing snow last night and I need to go out and see how badly it's drifted into the lane. See you all tomorrow.

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