Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome back to winter

Conditions at 5:15 am: -11' and clear with lots of bright stars
Expected later: -1' and sunshine

It's going to be a lovely day today but later in the week isn't looking so great. According to the weather network, we might get 15 cm of snow on Friday and another 10 cm on Saturday. Mother nature isn't done with us yet! That seems hard to believe as the radio is predicting +8' and rain for Thursday so it's hard to imagine it can change so dramatically, so quickly. But we shall see. I've heard more and more people talk about the fact that we always get a storm around St. Patrick's Day, so let's see if it's true again this year.

Time sure flies when you're having fun! On Sunday, it was exactly two years since the day we came down to look at the house and our offer was accepted.  It was certainly an impulsive move on our part, but one that turned out to be a good one. I was mentioning to Brenda on Saturday that I need to go through my closet and sort out all the clothes that I used to wear to an office as I don't need them anymore. She suggested that I not get rid of them quite yet, because you just never know what I might be doing next!  She's totally got us figured out.

Yesterday I did some research on line and found a name to contact for the local weavers guild and I called this lady who put me in touch with a place in Belfast called Belfast Mini Mills. It seems they make small versions of industrial spinning equipment but I spoke to a lady there and they have set up a small loom and are doing weaving lessons, on a one to one basis. Unfortunately they offer these classes during the weekdays but she has agreed to meet with me on Saturday the 26th so I can play with the loom that is set up and get an idea of how it works and then I can go the next time and she will teach me how to set it up. I'm so excited to finally have found an instruction source.  The webpage says they charge $35 to teach it and that seems pretty darned reasonable to me. So I'm looking forward to doing that. It's actually located 7.5 km past the Belfast arena, on the same road, so I know how to get there. Check out their website:
Before I go I must wish my good friend, Cathy Lasby, a very Happy Birthday. I can never forget her birthday on the 15th of March because someone on the radio always says "Beware the Ides of March" but I usually remember it anyway. Cathy and I have been friends since public school and it was great to have a chance to get together with her when I was in Ontario. I'm really looking forward to her one day taking a few days from her busy schedule and coming down to the island. She promises she will, and I hope she does.

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