Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What a glorious evening it was

Conditions at 5:30am: -3' and clear
Expected later: +3' and sunshine!

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. While the air was cool, the sun had some real warmth to it and it was lovely. Last night was even more impressive. I went to let the dog out later in the evening and the sky was so clear and filled with lots of brilliant stars and a really bright moon. I thought it must be a full moon, it was so bright,I was really surprised to see that it wasn't.

I called Brenda to see if she wanted to do scrapbooking last night, but she was too tired, and I was quite happy with that as well. I'd had a really busy day and was pretty much done in myself. Although it's so nice now that the time has changed and I actually have some time to do something outside. There's still lots of snow around but there's also lots of bare ground. I spent a little while tidying up around the back door and put some things away and swept the little patio area at the back door. It looks so much better now. I'm anxious to be able to get out and pick up all the branches off the lawn. The trees in the lane took a real beating over the winter this year and there's a lot of debris on the lawn. But that opportunity will come soon enough.

I talked to Patti last night as she was at the airport on her way to Edmonton. She and James went skiing yesterday. They still have enough snow on the ski hill but that will likely change as they expect lots of rain today. She thought they might go again on Friday but she expects the conditions will have seriously deteriorated by then. Her dad is doing much better now. He was moved yesterday out of Intensive Care to another unit that's kind of in between ICU and a regular unit. Hopefully he's once again on the mend.  He's certainly had a tough go of things and it looks like he's got a long way to go still.

Well, the weather network has now changed their forecast. Up till yesterday they were still saying we were going to receive 15 cm of snow on Friday and 10 cm on Saturday. Now that's been downgraded to 5 to 10 on Friday and none on Saturday. But I still can't imagine that's going to materialize. The radio is saying +4' for Friday and periods of rain OR snow, so I can't see how we'll get that much snow but I suppose anything's possible. Let's just hope they're wrong as all it will do is make a huge mess of things. It's not like it will be usable snow, so we may as well be done with it.

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