Friday, March 11, 2011

Only on PEI

Conditions at 5:30 am: overcast and 0'
Expected later: +5' and cloudy with sunny periods but rain this evening

Yesterday Patti called in the morning to let me know her dad was doing okay. She had talked to the hospital on her way home from work and decided she would wait and go and see him later in the day, after she'd gotten some sleep. Because I knew she would be calling, I took my blackberry with me when I went out. I don't always as we really aren't supposed to take calls when we drive here on the island, although many, many people still do. So yesterday afternoon, I was driving down University Avenue and my phone rang. I was by myself, on the way to the bank, so I pulled over onto the side where there was, conveniently, a vacant lot and I had ample space to pull over without blocking any traffic. I took the call and it was Lloyd so the call lasted a few minutes. Part way through the call, I heard a sound and looked up to see a woman knocking on the window. I put the window down and she saw that I was talking on the phone. She apologized for interrupting me but she saw the car pulled over and thought there might be something wrong so she thought she should check. I told her I just pulled over to take a phone call and she replied "You're a good woman" and then went on her way. Only on PEI would someone even think to ask when they see a car pulled over in the middle of the city!  I thought it was very sweet and the gesture made my day.

An athlete AND a scholar!
Well, I got a surprise yesterday afternoon when I opened a message from Patti. Guess who got glasses?  James!  He looks quite handsome and very intelligent in them. I emailed back that he must have worn his eyes out with all the reading he does. In his usual fashion, he has a plan. He's not wearing them till he gets back to school from March Break and he plans to get a haircut as well so the kids won't recognize him. He loves a good joke on people! Maybe he should go shopping for a new hat as well. Last year he went off to school one day when I drove him with this white fedora style hat on. Only James could pull that off and have the teachers tell him how good he looked. He does have a certain confidence and flair about him.  I'll have to get his mom to take a picture for me of his first day back to school, to see what he's come up with to fool his friends.

PS: Welcome home Brenda! If I don't see you before (although highly unlikely!) , I will see you on Sunday afternoon at the Rec Centre!

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