Friday, May 6, 2011

Another hopeless romantic

Conditions at 5:15 am: 8' and overcast
Expected later: 12' with a mix of sun and cloud and maybe some isolated showers

Early in the week they predicted lots of rain for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and fortunately that hasn't happened. We did get some rain yesterday but nothing too significant. Now I see they are predicting rain for most of next week. Again I hope they are wrong as I'd like a bit of nice weather on Tuesday when I'm driving Jolene and Lina around the area. But we'll see. They were predicting a sunny and mild Sunday as well and now they are saying 11' and rain so again, hopefully they will be wrong.

Well, I think I met a fellow yesterday who's an even bigger romantic than Lloyd. I wasn't sure that was possible but I now believe it is. His name is David and he's from Sydney, Australia. Of course I had to ask, what would bring someone all the way from Sydney to PEI. It turns out he was in the Australian military and had travelled all over the world. He was in the US and took some time to visit his brother who lives in Chicago. His mom was there as well, visiting from Australia and she was on her way to PEI. Apparently she had been a big fan of Anne of Green Gables her whole life and wanted to visit the island. Since she was 88 years old she figured she should do it sooner rather than later. Various things transpired and the person who was supposed to accompany her to the island wasn't able to, and the only one available was David. He didn't even know where PEI was. Being in the military he was only geographically aware of the 'hot spots' of the world.

So he and his mother made the trek to PEI. They toured around and visited all the required Anne sites and numerous craft shops. She had a list as long as her arm of things that she wanted to take home for her children and grandchildren. They went into a shop and the woman in the shop took the list and found something appropriate for everyone on it. David described piles and piles of stuff being taken out the car, some of which would have to be shipped ahead of them. He was very taken with the positive attitude of the people here and how friendly and helpful this woman was. He chatted with her and they exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. He corresponded with her for quite some time but was not entirely sure about where things stood. Finally he took a huge leap of faith and sent her a dozen red roses and an open ended ticket to Australia. She could come (if she chose) and stay as long as she liked (or even for just one day). She got lots of flack from her friends - half said it was the chance of a lifetime and just go, and the other half was sure he was an axe murderer. In the end she did go, and stayed with David's parents for two weeks while they got to know each other a little better. Now they are back here, and have been for seven years, married with three children. Talk about your fairy tale ending.

Those are the kind of stories I love hearing while I'm driving around the city. I should really keep better track of them because a lot of them are very interesting.

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