Monday, May 9, 2011

Happ Mother's Day ..... to me!

Conditions at 5:15 am: light rain and 4'
Expected later: more rain and 8'

What a great weekend!  I finished most of my list of jobs on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning so I was able to go out and play on Sunday afternoon. I went over to Brenda's around 11:30 to polish bikes. It was actually a really nice way to pass the time. It was a bit cool outside but we were inside Bernie's shop and he has lifts to raise the bikes up so you can sit down on a stool and work. He also has all kinds of products that do amazing jobs of cleaning the chrome and painted surfaces. Oh, by the way, did I mention that I now have a bike of my own?  Lloyd told me "don't let Bernie talk you into buying a Harley" but he didn't tell me I couldn't buy a Honda from someone else! It's just a little 250 Honda but it's a place to start. I got it for what I think was a good price and it will give me a feel for if I really like it or not, and if I will actually use it. If I do, I can sell it next year probably for what I paid for it, and move to something slightly bigger. If I don't like it, or use it, I can still sell it next year and get my money back. It's an '83 and it has 26,000 kms. on it.

Bernie had his bike detailed on Saturday. There's a guy who comes in and spends 12 hours cleaning and polishing the bike. He takes it all apart and it's absolutely gleaming when he's done. And he does it for an impossibly good price. So Bernie worked on another bike while Brenda and I each worked on our own. Mine looked pretty rough when we brought it into the shop but it came up beautifully. The wheels are all shiny and the tiny specks of rust that were all over the fenders are gone and it looks great. We spent about 3 hours cleaning and by then it had warmed up a little bit. So off Brenda and I went. We headed over to Donagh school to drive around the parking lot for a while. I have to say my exit out of Bernie's driveway was less than graceful but I was still on two wheels so it was all good. Once we got to the school and spent about half an hour tootling around, it was time to head out on the road. So we took the back road into Stratford and went to Robins for coffee. We called and left a message for Bernie to join us but he still wasn't there by the time we were ready to leave, so we headed for home. He passed us on Fort Augustus Road heading into town, so he turned around and came back. He said the two of us looked pretty good out there on the open road. My starting and stopping still need a little work but for the most part it was good. I didn't feel tense at all and I felt very comfortable on my little bike. This just might work. Now we've already started planning little jaunts we can take on our bikes. Once I get really comfortable on it, I can take it to work and save a lot of money on gas over the summer.

When we got back to the Van Gaals, the three kids were there and made a lovely supper for Mother's Day. Fortunately for me, I was invited to stay. They did a great job -  BBQ steak and Pork Chops, potatoes, corn and a salad. It was really delicious and a wonderful way to finish off a really great day.

After supper we went down Dromore Road where Vanco have their tulips planted but they are all covered with white sheeting. The flowers are blooming but you just can't see them. In the next day or two they will probably be taking the covering off and snipping off the tulips so we'll have to keep a close watch on them.
When I got home, I finished up a couple of things around the house and now I'm all set for my guests to arrive this afternoon.


  1. Sounds like fun Sandy! Hope you enjoy riding the bike all summer!!

  2. Wasn't that just the greatest way to spend Mothers day. Thanks kids and Bernie for a wonderful day.
