Monday, May 2, 2011

What a great time

Conditions at 5:20 am: 2' and overcast
Expected later: 10' and sun

A lot of people have told me we don't really get spring here and I'm beginning to understand what they mean. It's not winter, and it's definitely not summer, but it's certainly not the spring weather I'm used to. Here it's mostly cold and wet. But we are into May and hopefully it will improve soon.

Yesterday Brenda and I went to Halifax on the first ferry of the season, to attend the Saltscapes show. It was a great time. We left here at 5:30 for the boat. Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in the cafeteria and before we knew it we were in Nova Scotia. The drive to Halifax was very pleasant as the weather was clear, something we didn't really expect as rain was predicted. We stopped in Halifax and had a tea and a snack before heading over to the Exhibition Park. We were very surprised at the number of cars that were there already. By mid afternoon the place was packed. We sampled all kinds of stuff including several wines and beers. It was a really nice day. At one point we had to take our bags out to the car and start over collecting pamphlets and brochures. There's an incredible amount of things to see and do in this part of the country. I'm going to organize everything by province so that whenever anyone comes to visit I can share the information with them. We filled in all kinds of ballots for weekends away and various other things. But the number of people who where there will make our chances  of  winning anything pretty slim but we had fun just the same.The last thing we attended was a display by the PEI shellfish festival folks. There was a couple behind us and the husband was insistent that his wife try an oyster but she was really reluctant so I said I would go up with her. It was great for me but not a pleasant experience for her. She found it most disgusting. Fortunately for her there was a wine booth right next door and her husband was able to get her a sample to wash it down.

The timing was perfect. We knew we had to leave by 4:00 to get the boat and we were pretty much done looking around by then. We had a good trip back and made the ferry with 10 minutes to spare. We could not have timed the day any better.

A big thank you goes out to Caitlin for coming by and letting Cooper out for a few minutes. I'm sure he and his bladder thank you from the bottom of his heart!

Now I can't believe it's Monday again all ready. Yesterday a man came out to look at the truck and left a note on the windshield. I called him back and he's coming by tonight to look at it. With any luck it will sell.

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