Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another new chapter


Conditions at 5:15 am: 11' and foggy
Expected later: 18' and - dare we say it? - sunny

It's been such a while since we saw the sun we may not know how to react.  We were supposed to get some yesterday afternoon but all we got was drizzle for most of it. It was really depressing when I checked something online before I went to bed. The little weather network icons on the bottom of my screen told me that at 10:00 it was 23' in Toronto and 9' here, What I won't be sad about is when it's 30' in Toronto and the humidex reading is 39'.

After a bit of consideration, I have decided to take a new job. I had an interview at Charlottetown Toyota yesterday morning and at 2:00 in the afternoon they called me and offered me the job. As with any decision, there are pluses and minuses to both positions but I think it will be a good move. There are a lot of factors that contributed to my decision but the fact that the position showed up on Jobs PEI on just the day I decided it was time to look elsewhere, had to be some kind of omen. I will miss the shuttling as it was a great opportunity to meet people but it is getting a bit tiring. I will still be working Saturdays but they are going to bring in a student for the summer. That will make a lot of difference if I have a two day weekend to allow me to keep up with everything. Next summer Lloyd will be here and I won't feel quite so overwhelmed at the amount of stuff that needs to be kept up with in the summer.

So my boss is away, a fact I didn't find out until I called upstairs to see if his wife had come in yet. I sent an email  giving my notice for this coming Saturday. I expect I may have a reply by this morning. It's unfortunate that this position hasn't worked out as hoped but I did meet some great people (and some not so great, but we're not going to go there-every job has at least one!)  I do hope that those I've connected with keep in touch. I will truly miss some of them. But they are just a few blocks away.

This Friday two girls from our cooking class are coming over for supper. We're going to cook the entire meal when they get here and then sit down and eat it. It will be lots of fun. Both Lesa and Charmaine insisted they need to bring something but I really don't need them to so I suggested to them that I have food, I don;t have plants. I know Charmaine has plants in her yard and Lesa probably does as well. I suggested to them that they both bring a small piece of a perennial out of their gardens instead of food and that would be a great addition to my flower bed (if I ever get good enough weather to get out and work on it some more). The sod is taking a lot of time and effort and sometime in the next couple of days I also need to cut the grass - again. It amazes me how it can still flourish so well with no sunshine. It's pretty hearty stuff. Although I did talk to Brenda last night and she suggested that we might go over to the school tonight if it's nice and work on our starting from a stopped position and cornering on our bikes - something I definitely need help with. Not to worry, the grass will wait till I get to it!


  1. Congratulations on the new job Sandy! I hope you really enjoy it, what will you be doing at Toyota?

    Your Friday sounds like fun, enjoy! Good luck with the bike practicing.

  2. We are eating on Saturday, Right??
