Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A gorgeous sunny day

Conditions at 5:30 am: 12' and light clouds
Expected later: 24' and a mix of sun and cloud

Yesterday was absolutely perfect. Lloyd brought his bike into town to get it inspected, insured and plated. In the middle of all that, he came to the dealership and took me to lunch. Fortunately there is a restaurant right next door so we were able to just walk over there. We had Caesar Salad and a lobster roll. Lloyd will be getting bored with the same old thing again two days in a row - lobster sandwiches.

He was very fortunate with his timing at Access PEI where we get our license plates. I has suggested that he go in after lunch once the employees were all back and he had about a 4 minute visit. He has just sat down and they called his number so that was definitely a bonus.
When I got home I called Brenda and the four of us headed to Montague on our bikes.  Bernie was working in the fields but quit in time for us to go. Brenda led the pack, and I was glad of that. She travels at a pace I am comfortable with following and the guys didn't complain so we were happy. We went to the restaurant that had the award winning burger in the contest held earlier in the spring. It was very good but we all agreed the one we'd had at the Olde Dublin was better.
After our burger we headed home but first stopped at a gas station so I could refuel. I was running pretty low and have no idea how far I can go on a tank of gas. So after filling, I reset my mileage counter so I can determine just how far I can go before I need to fill up. I found it a little chilly driving home as I had a short sleeve t-shirt on under my jacket and the breeze was going up my sleeves. I was glad when I did get home. It was a good trip and Lloyd commented that I was doing much better than the last time he saw me on a bike (which would have been about 18 years ago). He noticed that my corners are a little shaky and my starting from a stop is weak but I assured him  it's getting better.All in all, I think he was impressed with the progress I've made in such a short time.

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