Monday, June 6, 2011

It was a fun and laugh filled weekend in spite of the weather

Conditions at 5:15 am: 9' and overcast
Expected later: 15' and maybe some sun

(I love signing in on Monday mornings as my friends don"t view it on the weekend since they know I'm lazy on Saturday and Sunday - and I'm amazed at all the world places that have dropped by)

It was a dull, cool weekend with the odd sprinkling of rain so not much fun weather wise but it was okay anyway. Friday after work, 7 of us went out for a beer. I was a little longer than planned and I had to hurry home as my friends, the Van Gaals, had received some lobsters from a grateful customer and they needed some help with those. I was more than happy to oblige. Saturday after work, I came home and started on a flower bed at the front of the house. It's a slow process pulling up the sod so it's still on-going. I still hadn't tried the new trimmer because I had to get gas but ran out of time. Well, actually I didn't run out of time, I got tired and cold and went inside and sat by the fire in the living room and read a book for a while.

We had to be at the Rec Centre for the members supper at 8:30, followed by trivia. We once again enjoyed lobster and all the fixings. Bernie left after eating but Brenda and I stayed for the trivia portion. We played with Marlene and her husband Lornie. We didn't win but at least we didn't come in last. (okay, second last but we weren't the VERY worst!) and we had a lot of fun and laughs.

 It was midnight when I got home and it was a beautiful evening. A bit cool but the air was still and the stars were brilliant. As I drove up the driveway under the canopy of leaves, and saw the bright stars when I got to the top I thought, can you imagine if this is what we'd seen when we first viewed the house? There would have been no 'offer', just "We'll take it!".

Sunday morning dawned cold and damp again, so I set to work to try to finish off my weaving. I didn't have a lot left to do so was able to finish, sew the edges and get it washed and dried by the time Brenda called after church. Since it wasn't fit for either biking or kayaking, I suggested we take a drive out to Belfast to the Mini Mills as I had a couple of questions for Sheila. So I picked her up and we headed out. I took one of the placemants and the runner with me to show Shiela as well a my instruction book with the questions I had. I had run into her in the grocery store last week and she told me that they were not open 7 days a week for the summer and the tea house was in operation. So after visiting the store and getting the instruction I needed, we were given a tour of the mill then went over to the tea house for some lunch. I had the Macaroni and Cheese and Brenda had the pea soup and we decided our soup is better. The Mac and cheese was quite good and the cole slaw that came with it was delicious.

I dropped Brenda off at home as she was feeling a little under the weather. I went and got gas then home to try my new "Simple2Start" trimmer. It wasn't. I spent a lot of time and effort trying to get the thing started and had no luck at all. Finally I got very frustrated and packed the whole works up and took it back to Canadian Tire. I exchanged it for the same one but with a choke. I thought perhaps that might make a difference. Unfortunately I couldn't get that one to start either. So I worked away a bit more on the flower bed. When I got too cold and tired I went inside and made something to eat. Brenda called and she was feeling much better after a nap and we decided to go to a fund raising concert they were having at the school. So I took my trimmer over to their house and got Bernie to try it. He says it's just too new and everything is still very stiff on it (let's hope). Anyway, he was able to get it to start and gave me a couple of suggestions that might be helpful.

The concert at the school was great fun. It was a combination of music and little skits put on by local folks and it was  hilarious. There are some very talented young people in the community who we will be hearing more from in the future I'm sure. One boy is just graduating from grade 12 this year and he played the fiddle and was absolutely amazing. Another  girl sang a song she wrote and won a spot with at the East Coast Music Awards. She's 13 years old. Amazing,

The skits were extremely funny and one was about two guys in an airport based on an old Dean Martin routine that I'm told is online somewhere, But the funniest bit of all was the sign they had made to indicate where this skit was taking place. Richard has his Barcalounge, Bernie has the Doog House and Loafers Lodge. I can see the sign over Lloyd's garage one day -I laughed so hard when I saw that and I just know we'll be seeing it again

Pisquid Airport Lounge. .

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