Monday, June 13, 2011

What a difference an hour can make!

Conditions at 2:24 am: 13" and some clouds
Expected later: 11' and rain for most of the day

If you read my blog on Friday, You'll remember that I was a little disappointed because I didn't expect to be able to attend the McCartney concert in NYC. Of course if you know me at all, I will always find a way. It kind of nagged at me all the way to work and in the end, I called Toyota and suggested that I would need the 15th of July off and it was no problem at all. Fast forward to a few hours later, and.....
I'm going to see Paul McCartney in New York City!
What a great thing to have to look forward to.  I'm really happy it worked out. Every time I go to a concert I think to myself, okay, this will likely be the last time I go due to cost, distance, etc. But we all know that's not the reality of the situation, is it? Anyway, I'm very excited to be going.

Now back to the real world! What a great past few days. Friday afternoon was warm and sunny and I stopped at the grocery store on my way home to pick up stuff for Saturday's dinner with the girls. I assumed that because we planned to go for drinks after work on Saturday that we weren't going on Friday and no one mentioned it. So you can imagine my surprise when I checked my phone before heading out to the country at 6:20 to see that I had a several text messages, wondering where I was. It seems after they'd been there for a while, someone asked if I was coming and then they all assumed that someone else had invited me. So of course I sent a message back that it figured - I wasn't even out the door and they'd already forgotten about me. I probably would have went for one drink but I'd just bought ice cream and had no choice but to go straight home. But we made up for it on Saturday. A few people came out and we had a lovely time. In fact I didn't get home until 5:00 so it was a good thing I had done most of the tidying up on Friday night.

Brenda, Lesa and Charmaine came over around 7:00 and we had a lovely time. It was just about 11:00 when they left and I think they enjoyed themselves. I'd love to get together again but just do a pot luck and sit around and chat. Charmaine brought some shrubs she dug up from her garden so I was motivated to actually try to finish my flower bed now that I have the beginnings of things to plant. Brenda also says she has lots I can put in when I get it ready.

On the West River
I worked a little bit on it Sunday morning and then decided I would cut some grass, while I was waiting for Brenda to get back from church. Unfortunately I only cut about 5 feet when the belt came off again. It was a little frustrating. So instead I sat outside and read my book after getting dressed.  When Brenda called, we headed out on our bikes. We went over to West River and participated in the Sporting Intentions Kayak Demo Day. There were quite a few people there and they had been quite busy earlier on. They had suggested to Caitlin that we show up around noon. We tried out a much longer and narrower kayak than what we have. It was very stable and quite maneuverable and once you got it going, could go quite fast. But I'm not going to look at the web site because I know they are very pricey. I'm happy with what I have for now, and certainly the motorcycles are cutting in to our kayaking time. I really need to retire - this working for a living is getting in the way of my social life!

We had a wonderful ride. The sun was warm, once it came out to stay, and we toured some absolutely beautiful roads. Lloyd would have loved it. Some of the scenery was gorgeous and every time I'm reminded how very lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place.  On our way back home we stopped at a little place on the highway and had a burger and milkshake. When we got back, Brenda went home and changed and then came over and helped me with the flower bed and thanks to her it's now got all the sod taken off. I need some manure and she's going to help out with that when they are all done planting. I was so happy to get that done and it went so much faster with two people working on it.

When we were done, we grilled a couple of steaks on the bbq and boiled some mini potatoes then tossed them in some butter and fresh chives. A little coleslaw on the side made for a really quick and easy supper. We were both a little sunburned and tired after a busy day so she went home and I called Lloyd to check in. He was out for supper and said he would call me back, so I read my book until he returned my call. Then it was bed time for me as well.

 Must be nerves, I suppose, due to starting the new job this morning. because I woke up at 2:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I took the dog outside and it was gorgeous out. Now I'm writing this and will try to go back and get a little more sleep when I'm done. This will give me more time to decide what to wear when I do get up. Wish me luck!

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