Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Everything happens for a reason!


Conditions at 5:15 am: 10' and overcast
Expected later: 14' and showers - again

Is it ever going to warm up?  We get odd nice days just to tease us and then we're right back into the cool, wet weather again. Oh well, we will really appreciate it when it does get here.
Well, I chatted with Kurt on Monday afternoon and it's difficult to find someone to work only Saturdays. Then yesterday I drove Caitlin to and from work and during the course of our trip, I mentioned that it was hard to find someone to work just Saturdays and she said she would like to do it as it would give her some extra money and she would have her afternoon and evening free for going out with friends or to the beach. So, I'm taking her resume in to work with me this morning and hoping for the best. I don't think there should be a problem. Like I said, everything happens for a reason. If we weren't spending that time in the car chatting, it might never have come up.
A scene from Sunday afternoon's drive

Last night when I got home I started on the front yard with the push mower. I can't believe I cut all  the grass for the first two months with that one. It takes forever. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) both the lawn mower and I ran out of gas at about the same time and I didn't have anymore. I guess I could have gone to the Irving and gotten some but I started when I got home and hadn't had supper yet so it seemed like a good time to stop for the night. Hopefully  the weather will cooperate and I can continue tonight.

I had another great day at work yesterday.  It's funny when someone calls or comes in who knows me. The Purolator driver came in Monday afternoon and looked at me and smiled and said "Aren't you in the wrong place?".  Then I got a call from the body shop and after I hung up I realized that Dave had said "Thanks Sandy" when he hung up but I hadn't said my name when I answered the phone.

It is such a different atmosphere that I can't believe it. I'm sure there are issues - every company has them but at least here it's more spread out and I actually don't see anyone from my desk. The service people are around one corner to my left and the sales peoples offices are around the corner to my right so I'm there all by myself and it's great. There's always someone coming by or looking for things but stuff doesn't get dumped on my desk like it did before. It's by far a much healthier environment mentally.

It was very nice yesterday at lunch. I took the car and went over to the mall. In my hour lunch I had time to go in and try on some pants as I needed some for work. I picked up a black pair as most of the ones I have are getting a little shabby as I've been wearing them for a number of years so it was time for a new pair. I think one of these evenings I need to take all my clothes out of the closet and re-evaluate what I have, get rid of the ones I don't/won't wear and make a list of what I do need and then go from there.

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