Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18th - Hello long weekend!

It's a cool 6' at 5:15 am but it should reach a sunny 17' later this afternoon. The forecast is still calling for a sunny few days so let's hope they've got it right this time cause I'm all ready for a long weekend.

Yesterday at lunch I filled up my propane tank and after work I went to the liquor store and picked up a case of wine. Long weekend?  Bring it on!!!  I even did something on my way home that I absolutely never do. I was quite hungry by the time I was finished with the wine and I knew I hadn't taken anything out of the freezer for supper. Not that there wasn't anything else I could have eaten, but I just didn't want to wait. So I went to Cedars and had supper, all my myself. I had a gift certificate with $22.00 left on it so I thought, what the heck. The really funny part is when I walked in, there was a woman sitting at the table right by the door and I thought she looked familiar but I wasn't sure where I knew her from so I didn't say anything, even though she looked at me as well and smiled. I was waiting for someone to seat me and I turned again and looked at her dining companion and then I recognized her. It was the same lady and her son we sat beside at the restaurant in town on Sunday morning. Brenda knew her. Once I spotted her son then I knew exactly where I'd met her before. So then I said hello and we both laughed because here we were all eating out - again! It's such a small place here.

Once I got home and put the wine away, I promptly sat down to watch a program from Sunday that I was anxious to see. And that pretty much was my night. I had planned to do some laundry but I figured I might as well wait till the weekend at that point. My grass was cut, my house was tidied so it was a stress free, relaxing evening.

Tonight Brenda and I are attending a fund raising dinner in town for the Autism Society. I was given the tickets at work so we jumped all over a free dinner and some entertainment. So when I get home from work, I'll get changed then pick Brenda up and we're out for a night on the town. But we may have to make it an early night but that's okay. Rumour has it we may have to make a trip tomorrow to Maine to pick up a motorcycle for Bernie. I won't know for sure until this morning but it sounds like it would be fun. Of course we'd have to leave at 4:00 am but that's okay too.  I'm just waiting for confirmation from her a little later so I can tell them at work I need Saturday off, which I'm sure won't be a big deal. It's the first long weekend of the summer so I don't suspect that buying a new car is first and foremost on too many people's minds.With the nice weather I think most people will take advantage to do gardening or cottaging or just all round fun stuff.

The boys should be back from Virginia sometime over the weekend so I guess I'll hear from Lloyd when he gets home. It's hard to believe his last day at work will be two weeks from today.  The pressure is really on now to get the plane done and move here - I know he can hardly wait and I have to say I'm really looking forward to it as well.

Happy long weekend everybody!

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