Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7th - it was an emotion filled weekend

Right now it's a drizzly 4' but should clear up and be a sunny 11' later this afternoon. The warming trend is set to continue for the remainder of the week although we will be getting some much needed rain. Night time lows are not so low this week either so that's nice as well. It's difficult to keep an even temperature this time of year.

Saturday morning was my video interview. I don't think I did as well as I probably could have. I was sitting down during the entire time and I feel like it was a little flat. But I don't know what they're looking for. Time will tell. I don't really think I'm crazy enough or  such an unusual personality. They're interviewing 15 people and choosing 5 so we will see. It's over now and it was a really interesting experience. The gal who came out to do the interviewing and filming was a lot of fun and she indicated when she arrived that it would take approximately 2 hours but she was here almost 4. That's either a really good sign or a really bad one. Stay tuned for results in a few weeks. She's here on the island doing interview right up until Friday of this week.  It was exciting but terrifying at the same time and I was exhausted once it was over. I went and had a cup of tea with Brenda right after then came home and had a 2 hour nap.

I got some really bad news on Saturday as well. I'd heard via an email update from a local radio station that a woman had been killed early Saturday morning. It turns out it was the daughter of the owners of the restaurant where I work on Sunday mornings. She was also a server there. Apparently she lost control of the car and it rolled. She suffered severe head trauma and died in the car. The news reports I read later indicated that alcohol wasn't a factor nor was excessive speed, but some speed may have played a small part. I can't begin to imagine how her mother is feeling. I feel so badly for her. I remember many years ago receiving a call that Patti had been involved in an accident but all they would tell us was what hospital she was in. It was a blizzard outside so the drive to another town took what seemed like forever, and I had no idea what I'd find when we arrived. She had sustained some facial injuries and she looked so awful but she was released and she was going to recover. I will always remember that drive and how terrified I was. I can't begin to imagine what Dottie and Will are going through. My condolences to the entire family.

Sunday afternoon I attended an open house for my friend Donna. She recently underwent major surgery and it was touch and go whether or not she would make it, but she did. She turned 55 yesterday and her theme was "55 and still alive".  I dropped in for a little visit as did a lot of other people. It was great to see her looking so well, but she still has a long recovery ahead of her, as she was just released from the hospital on Friday. But she's a fighter and has a positive attitude and from the crowd around yesterday, she's also surrounded by a great support system.

As I finish writing this, at 6:00 am. Brenda will have been on the road for a least 2 hours. She should be just about finished her first drop off of Tulips in New Brunswick. This is only a day trip but it will be a long day before she gets back tonight. Bernie heads out again on Wednesday for Nova Scotia. This will be a really busy trip with Mother's Day being this weekend. Safe driving guys.

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